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tl;dr - The release is almost done but I have a migraine!

This week's images

These should be pretty self-explanatory. ;) They'll be in the next update, as part of the Shizu sex scene. There's really a lot of stuff happening in that scene, so I've been able to show a lot and I can still assure you there's more in the game itself.

The next release

So the next release is pretty close to done, but I have to be honest - I've had persistent migraine problems recently (about the last month or so) and just recently I've been finding that doing the programming is one of the things that's actually triggering them. There's not even much to do - I know if I could do it without a reaction I could knock this off in one easy day of work.

Obviously it's very worrying for me, because I need to be able to do this kind of thing without having migraines. It hasn't been a problem for me before now, but that's suddenly changed and I'm not 100% sure what the problem is. I'm trying a few things, like changing my office chair to address my posture, (that seems like maybe it's helping) and just taking a couple of days off work immediately - I already did so yesterday. Once it's safe to go out again I also might go to an optometrist to see if I need glasses.

Once I'm through this particular phase I need to take some careful recovery time and then I'll probably be okay, but it's holding me up on the release. The really frustrating thing is I probably could avoid programming for several weeks if I could just get this little bit finished! Honestly, I can't completely fill my day without a little work here and there so I may well do some writing, which hasn't really been upsetting my head, but not programming just yet.

Anyway, that's why this update is a little late this month. I'm still able to do some work and I've made big strides in getting the next release ready. It's also a really big content update this month, so it should be great once I finish it! This is also why I'm posting this update early, though, because I know that by tomorrow the release is not going to be any closer than it is now. I will get it out this month, though. All I can really do about this for now is be communicative with you about the temporary issue.

That's the situation - I hope you like the pictures and aren't too upset about the delay! The good side is that I certainly do have a lot of content almost ready to go for you, in fact, for the next two months' updates. I just need to get that little bit further first... anyway, let me know what you think in the comments.




That second shot is one of my favorite angles. Great stuff!


Glad to hear it - I had to develop a specific technique to get those kinds of shots.


My game wont load after you search your new apartment it just sits on the loading screen everytime


Ah, yes, that's a known (and extremely annoying!) bug. You'll want to use the NO MUSIC version of the game, because it's a problem with the audio decoding software built into the engine. If you check the v0.14 release you'll see there's a NO MUSIC download option there. I'll also note, if you go over to the Discord group's private $10 patrons' channel I've just done an early release there for v0.15, which has a big content update (I'll be putting that on Patreon soon too).