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tl;dr - I've been trying to fix that damn loading screen bug some people get in the game.

This week's image

This one is actually in the latest public release, but not anything like as clear and large (although the collector card version is at least reasonably clear).

Emi sends this, along with her opinions about what should be done with her body, if you've successfully romanced her and you're out on a date with another girl. She's not trying to be competitive - she just can't help but want the attention. ;)

I personally like this text message feature quite a bit - what do you think?

Hunting the wily "NOW LOADING" bug...

A game bug is a clever little bastard. You can track him for days and days until you really get to know him like a friend. You know he's there and he knows you're there. It's a game of wits. You hate him, then you respect him, then you kill him.

I don't know if you've encountered the bug where the loading screen just hangs on "NOW LOADING" and never loads, because it only occurs on some systems. Problematically, it doesn't occur on mine, so it's really hard to track down. I've tried to figure it out from what the debugger says, but it's not very helpful.

This week I promoted the public release on some new places so there were new players trying the game and encountering that bug, which led me to take another shot at solving it this week.

In order to test my solutions I've had to rely on players being helpful and testing it for me, but not everyone can help test even if they want to, because they have to be getting the bug first and I think most players don't seem to get it. It's also not 100% predictable even for the people who are getting it.

It's a lot of work, unfortunately, but it is pretty important, as it's game killing for a bunch of players. So that's been eating up a lot of my time this week, but I still hope to have the next patrons' release fairly soon!

What do you think of the picture? And of the text messages in general? Also, do you mind if the release is a little less full of new content if I've fixed the stability bug? It's a tough choice for me. Let me know in the comments!



Wild Bill

Heh, hopefully the girl we're with at the time won't get jealous.


I dont have the bug, but if you fix it, I'd rather everyone be able to enjoy the game and have less content for a release.


Good to know, thanks. :) Although at this rate I've spent days on it and still don't seem to have any idea how to fix the bug...


I also don´t have the bug, but take your time and hunt it down. Then SMASH it hard with something BIG :) Go get him for the sake of us all!

Wild Bill

Hmm, maybe once the shock of the other girls has worn off, one of them (Nobuko maybe) could actually *like* you having other girls and want you to take pictures of you fucking them after dates, or putting her on speakerphone.


You'll have to wait to see how the story starts to play out once we've got multiple ladies who've been romanced. ;)

Wild Bill

I'm hopin'. Going out with one girl knowing that another will be touching herself thinking of what we're doing is so hot I can't even.