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EDIT: If you're playing the Nobuko content in this version, there's still an old message from the previous version that tells you the content is finished at the "massage" spa scene. You can tell it's old because it mentions v0.9. You can just ignore that message, because there is another chat and another flashback after it in v0.10.

This version contains new content for both Nobuko and Emi, including voice acting for both, and some technical tweaks.

If you're looking for an HTML version, let me know in the comments. It's come to my attention that it tends not to work for most people so I didn't opt to distribute it this time, but I still can.

This time I'm including an Android (Cordova) version, but I should note that I have no idea how to get that working. It's included for people who do this regularly, I guess, as I had requests for an Android version.

Download: Windows 64 bit, Mac 64 bit, Android (Cordova), HTML 

(NOTE: The HTML version should work on the vast majority of systems, but will only give a black screen if you've got any sort of script blocking in the browser you run it in. Turn off all script blocking if this is happening.)

Cheats: Find them here! 

Change log:

  •  Added the fourth flashback scene with Nobuko, to show how the steamy affair began...
  •  Added the fourth date conversation scene for Nobuko.
  •  Five new Emi conversation options for after the sex scene, including a blowjob scene and a masturbation scene!
  •  28 new Emi voice lines. (Including 1 minute of BJ!)
  •  23 new Nobuko voice lines, in the date scenes. (Including 2 minutes of BJ!)
  •  Added a new (sexy) jealousy argument between Emi and Nobuko, after having sex with Emi (2 pics).
  •  New collector card to find - Emi being shameless.
  •  A new scene after the Emi sex scene in which everyone else finds out about it.
  •  Added some short character moments to crop up in the cafe and casino dates.
  •  Added an Easter egg.
  •  Tweaked the stats screen to show the max trust & love scores.
  •  Optimised the title menu a bit.
  • (The following are updates also from v0.7.2)
    When loading in the Windows and Mac versions, the game will now say "NOW LOADING" so you won't just get a black screen.
  •  When you wake up, if there's a flashback unlocked that you haven't seen, you will now get a reminder.
  •  Adjusted Nobuko's first line of voiced dialogue.

Known issues:

  • Saves from previous versions may not load or may cause bugs. I try to make them as compatible as possible, but this game is all a work in progress and so sometimes old saves may not work right.
  • If you have trouble opening the game in this version then a) make sure you've clicked inside the window and waited for it to load, but if it's still not working then b) go to C:\Users\User\AppData\Local and delete the folder called "Pervert Action Timelapse" then try again. 
  • Occasionally, when a new scene is loading, the loading may break and seem to simply be taking forever on a black screen. I'm looking into this and I understand it's frustrating - it is for me too. In the meantime I can only recommend frequent saves. If you do encounter this bug, however, get in touch with me because I can't replicate it myself and I'm looking for data to get a solution.
  • The right click menu does not open reliably. This appears to be an engine bug and should be fixed in time; it needs to wait on a successful migration to the next beta version of the engine.
  • Opening the stats screen or other menu screens may mess up how the background looks in a couple of scenes when the screen pans. You can still interact with the hot spots as usual in these scenes and progress, though.




a real update, really good job BBBen!! 👌🏻


Thank you! I always try to make the updates worth playing. ;)


BBBen, really looking for an HTML version)


Okay, I can provide that, sure. Just out of interest, what system are you looking to run it on?