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tl;dr - A bonus picture this week to make up for the missing update last week. I've released v0.7.2 publicly and I'm working on Nobuko content!

This week's image:

I think this one turned out pretty well; this is a shot from an upcoming Nobuko scene that I'm working on for (hopefully) an update fairly soon. It's an enhanced 1440p version, just for this update.

Adding the soapy foam was the particularly sophisticated part of making this image, as it had to be painted in through Photoshop, rather than rendered in the scene. What do you think? Is it convincing?

Skipped last update?

Yes, I deliberately skipped the last weekly update because I didn't want to bury the public release too low in the post feed. Sorry about that, but I'll give a bonus art preview this week to compensate.

This is, fairly obviously, from earlier in the same scene as the one above, and I've also enlarged it to 1440p. Getting the colour balance right in this scene was a challenge, but I did a lot of playing around with the lighting and the brightness/contrast/saturation/vibrancy settings in Photoshop to try and give that "candle lit" feel while still actually lighting things so you can see what's going on.

Public release of 0.7.2

Doing public releases really takes up a lot of my time, unfortunately, and they can be very stressful, as this is when I have to manage a lot more bug reports and questions from new players. I've also got to make a lot of posts all over the place, handle uploads, etc. It's a bit of a trial and it really eats into my available time and energy that I'd like to be using to make new content. All that said, if I don't make new public releases then I don't get enough interest from new patrons and my Patreon campaign is in trouble, so it's a necessary part of the process.

In general word of mouth really helps more than anything else, so if you can drop in a positive comment or review anywhere you see the game it's always helpful to me. Patreon says every share you give a campaign like mine is worth $1 to me, and I suspect comments on forums and stuff (if you frequent any) are just as valuable, if not moreso, because that's where people find adult games.

What am I working on next? Nobuko content!

Obviously the main goal right now is to polish off the remaining parts of the Nobuko story. They're not all locked down yet and as I said above, the public release has eaten up a lot of my time recently. I need to make her last date conversation scene, her last flashback (which will have some interactivity) and her final sex scene. I'd also like to add in maybe a few conversation options for after the sex scene, and her post-sex "wake up" scene.

I don't know if I'll be able to get all that done by the time of the next update; I'd certainly like to, but if I did it might end up making the content a little more rushed than it should be, so I might break it up a little and maybe add some other little bits and pieces to make the next update a bit more complete, even if I can't fully wrap up Nobuko quite yet. If I can, though, I will!

What do you think of the pictures? Have you played v0.7.2 yet? (Assuming you're not a $10 patron, in which case you'd have 0.9 by now.) And are you interested in Nobuko's upcoming scenes? Let me know in the comments!
