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tl;dr - This is a new poster; and I'll be putting out a big gameplay update for patrons this month.

This week's image

Here's a new poster for the game, because I haven't been happy with the previous poster attempts I've made. Sorry this isn't a naughty picture for this update, but I did give patrons something yesterday, so I thought I'd post this publicly.

I should mention up front that not everyone in this poster gets their own dating storyline; some of these are supporting characters (and I'm not mentioning which just yet!) with smaller roles in the game. 

The positions of characters on the poster may or may not be significant; don't read too much into anything just yet, although the positioning was purposeful I need to be cagey with information for fear of spoilers, but also because I haven't fully made up my mind about some things. Basically, the ones down the front are definitely major characters, while the ones up the back may or may not be.

Status of the game

There will be a new $10 release this month, if you were wondering since I didn't put out a release last month. It'll definitely be the biggest update since I released the first version.

Right now I'm in the process of refining and putting the finishing touches on the gameplay elements for the main, "dating" part of the game. This involves the day/night cycle, selecting dates, training skills, going to find memory flashbacks and managing your time, money and the ladies' jealousy. All this stuff is mostly functional already, thanks to my rather intensive work on it over the last month, just making interactive menu screens and such to make it all function.

I'm also finishing up the plot scenes for days 2 and 3 of the story. In the plot so far day 1 (and the prologue before it) was quite long, and days 2 and 3 will still have a fair bit of content in them as well, as there's a lot of stuff that needs setting up before we can proceed. After that the plot scenes will take a bit more of a back seat as you will be able to start unlocking the individual characters' stories through dating them.

And I've been doing a bunch of optimisation, which will make the file size smaller and scenes load faster. It's a pain, but it's important!

Do you like the poster? I kind of think it turned out like a video cassette cover from the late 80s/early 90s, which is no bad thing. Let me know in the comments! 




Im already interested in our cute little goth-girl here. Hope we will meet her soon :)


This is a fantastic poster.


Looking good. I'm curious about the nearly hidden girl in the back.


No Hiroshi:/


No, well, I haven't revealed all the characters yet. ;)


Back row, third from the right? That's Asumi the barista. She's a minor character, but she got a commissioned scene back when I was taking commissions.


Oh, the poster's biggest new mystery... no comment. ;)


Oh, I didn't recognize her since she's so hidden, and I think her face changed from last I saw her.


That's probably just the angle. I didn't want to draw too much attention to her since she's not a big part of the game.