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tl;dr - There's updates available this month for PAL and LMO, plus I'm working on a demo for PAT.

This update's image

Here I decided to have another experiment with Nobuko's gym clothes. Basically I thought I'd put it up to see what the feedback is like, because I'd like to know if it works. She's also sweaty and flushed from working out and needs to towel off, if that wasn't obvious.

(It's hard to pick out art for the public updates these days!)

Latest game releases

If you weren't aware, this month I released updates to both Pervert Action: Legacy (for $10 patrons) and Let Me Out (at $5).

  • The PAL update contains a couple of little new scenes, plus some expanded content for the "daily fun" scenes you can now have with the women around the house. Primarily, this involves the ability for other characters to come in and interrupt you in the middle of things. :) That might not sound like a big deal but it did take a lot of work to implement that one feature.
  • The LMO update contains two new endings, bringing the total up to eighteen. The new endings contain (if I recall correctly) eleven new images.

Pervert Action: Timelapse demo

While I've given patrons access to a small, early teaser demo the next PA game, Pervert Action: Timelapse, I still don't consider this anything more than a test demo right now. I'm working on putting together a more substantial demo that I'll put out to really announce the project when I'm ready. I'm doing a bit of work on that at the moment. I'm working in a new engine, designed primarily for visual novels, although I'm still planning to try and make the game interactive and interesting from a gameplay perspective. I'm not going for a linear VN design. I've been saying that a lot, I guess - I just feel the need to reassure people. :)

I'm trying right now to make updates to my existing games regularly, but also to make time to work on PAT in between. As I start to be able to wrap up LMO first, then PAL, I should be in a position to let PAT take up the slack.

What do you think of the outfit? And the plans? Let me know in the comments!




any tips on where to look for the new LMO endings? are they brand new or some placeholders filled in? either way amazing work as always


I put a couple of tips in the release post. They're both filling in placeholders - one relates to the skull (the third and last skull ending) while the other is a simple one - Twyla just outright propositions Lug. (I have to be coy in my phrasing on public posts.)