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tl;dr - Thanks. :)

This week's image

This pic took me ages to get right - the whole thing took over five hours to render to this level, taking over my computer for that time - but I think it was worth it. :) The graphics card wasn't too happy about rendering all that fur on all those characters, but I told it who was boss. (Some of these shaders really make me look better at my job than I really am, so I've got to use them.) It's in 720p so you might want to click on it and open up the full-sized version.

Xmas present to $1 and $3 patrons

I thought since I offered Let Me Out v0.7.0 to VoiceLikeCandy's patrons in exchange for the audio file yesterday, it wouldn't be exactly fair if I didn't share that with my $1 patrons, right? Here it is:

EXE: https://mega.nz/#!0KRzDRjK!jPdH2TVPJ-tjo99am5awkwz53ebhe8H9AvswIS_ehX4 

BLORB: https://mega.nz/#!xbxjBCoa!pAHFnrGk497YEXmEnSDulA3rc-hvGBW3o9GkMZlj8-Y 

$5 patrons already have (as of a few days ago) a more recent version, so... I guess I don't have enough gifts to go around!  :/

My work this week

Just briefly, since this is more of a holiday message than an update, I've been working pretty hard all week on the games. After putting out the LMO update early in the week I crammed in a lot of time on PAL so I could update that too - mostly the endless rendering for the new "interruption" feature. I've also been working on some cool and important but not particularly sexy stuff for the PAT demo. :) I'm not really taking much of a break for the holiday, but that's okay, because I'm having a good time working on the games right now.

Your support in 2017

Now, on to the real message: I just wanted to thank you for a great year of support in 2017. There were ups and downs this year, but overall it's been a year of big progress and I just can't say how much it means to me to be able to do this as a job (even if I'm still holding down a casual day job as well).

Over the course of this year I finally released v1.0 of PAL, although now I've gone back and reopened the game for more updates - I'm bad at letting things lie. :) After releasing PAL 1.0 I dropped below half the support I have right now, which was worrying, but things have more than bounced back. I've had a little uncertainty about how best to take this campaign forward, but I think I'm finding my feet and I've just started learning a new engine, which feels like a big step for the future; next year could possibly be very exciting. There have been other Patreon related dramas, but at least at the moment they don't seem to blowing this place up and I'm feeling very grateful to be able to do this as a job, entirely thanks to you.

Whether or not you celebrate the holidays and whatever your situation is, the PAL girls wanted you to know they're with you in spirit. If you check out the top of the tree you'll see even Ai turned up in a small way. We're all wishing you a very pervy holidays and a sexy new year!

Jingle bells, Batman smells, Robin laid an egg! If you've got any comments I'd love to see them. :)



Hank Rillek

You've had a great year! I wish you a very merry Christmas! I'm looking forward to all the fun games you'll release next year! For nostalgia I looked back in my e-mail account, our first messages were back in 2013! 2018 will be the fifth year of me following your releases. :O I'll keep supporting you! :D


Ha! It's funny how fast the time passes, isn't it? Looking back to what I was making in 2013 it still doesn't feel all that long ago, but I guess it is now. Thanks for sticking with me, I hope you're having a great holiday!


Silly question but in PAT will there be a rival or competition sort of like Hiroshi in the game? I mean dating 3 women at once is great but if there isn't any conflict or driving force it might get a little boring.


There is conflict and a driving force, but I don't currently have any specific rival figure, just because the story doesn't really allow it. It might be easier to explain when you see a little further into the game. Part of the reason is that the time frame is actually a lot shorter - most of the game takes place over just one day. That said, Nobuko's already married and Emi's a star model with plenty of guys trying to win her over, so there's room for some interesting narrative tensions in there too. :)