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tl;dr - Updates are coming at $5 for LMO and $10 for PAL, plus I've been working a lot on the PAT demo.

This week's image

I've had this pose ready for ages, (like, before I released the first version of LMO) but I just hadn't put them the room and rendered it yet because I hadn't got around to doing this ending until now. There's several follow-ups to this as things get more and more fun. :)

Let Me Out update

On that topic, I've got a couple more endings coming in the LMO update this month. I'll try to get this one out quite soon, since it's mostly finished. I'm thinking for this update I'll most likely add a couple of endings & new responses, then release it for the $5 tier, as you guys on that tier haven't had a release for a little while. :) Really, I'm just editing it now, plus doing some rewriting, so it'll hopefully be out in no time.

PAL update

I think I should be able to put out a PAL update this month too. It won't be as huge as the last couple, because realistically I can't keep pumping those out and have any time left over to finish up LMO or put out the PAT demo, but I can put something out. I've been going through a massive amount of rendering for a new feature - when you have sex with the characters during the day to day scenes you'll sometimes be interrupted by other characters wandering through.

There's a couple of other little things I'll be adding too; mostly filling in some gaps in those day to day sex scenes. They still need some work at this point.

Pervert Action: Timelapse demo work

I've continued to work on the PAT demo this week, which is proving to be a fun thing to develop right now. It's great to be able to see ideas come to life as I experiment with the new engine and discover the possibilities. I've been playing around with stuff like establishing shots, panning shots, close ups for conversations and designs that give you the chance to look around and examine environments much in the way you would in an AIF. In fact, writing the game so far still feels a lot like writing my other games.

I've also been improving a few of the graphics; I didn't like a couple of the pics in the existing teaser demo I released, mostly for Nobuko. I decided to very subtly lower her eye size as with her eye shadow they looked a bit too large, plus I changed a couple of her poses. Then I added in some nice little surprise moments in the game and I've been working on developing a couple of scenes that aren't really a part of the demo, but will be in the game later on. If you play the next version of the demo, keep your eyes out for changes from the last one!

A little bonus

Shovel's done another fantastic piece of Shizu fan art that I thought I would share with you guys! Shovel's got a great use of shadow and it's really a treat for me to receive these. This time she's wearing her new hoodie:

Not bad, huh?

Sorry, I forgot I was supposed to put these out a day earlier now! Anyway, do the plans all sound good? I hope so, because I'm kind of committed to them for this month already! And how about that Shizu pic? Give me your replies in the comments!




This sounds like a good plan! Each one of your games was better than the previous one so I'm honestly exited for PAT in the next year. This fan art is good start!


Thanks very much! I do think I've almost got the PAL update ready now, so that will be out before xmas - it's all on track for the moment.


Hi ! Thanks for your game, I love it ! But couldn't we have some walkthrough, hints, or possible actions in the game ? Cause I only have 2 endings even in this version .... :/ ( PS - I think the ending with the queen coming back is way too short for me ..)


I suppose I might end up having to make some kind of guide to LMO, even though I really don't want to. It's kind of admitting defeat as a developer to make a walkthrough to your own game - it means I've just failed to make it playable by itself. It also kills off meaningful community interaction over the game and having players interact and talk about it is pretty important. I was really hoping that players would get together and pool their discoveries in the game to compile a walkthrough, but I just don't have a convenient way of hosting that kind of discussion. Patreon's threads suck for traditional forum stuff and it doesn't seem like anybody wants to work on a wiki, so I'm kind of out of ideas on how to make a viable space for people to interact and share hints. (PS - which ending is that one? There are a few endings that involve Velexis so I'm not quite sure.)


Yeah I see what you mean.. I think the biggest problem between your game and me is the langage ;) I'm not a native english speaker, so I understand the general meaning with no problem, but I guess I'm missing some stuff. In second hand you are writting text-based RPG and this is fucking difficult to make it easily playable !! So congrate for all your work and creativity in that ;) I was hoping too for more interaction between players, but I can't find any "real" forum about your game. I guess there's not yet enough players (it will come I guarantee !) .. :D


Well, you're not the only one. I do want to make the game accessible so I'm not unsympathetic to the problem, I just want to avoid the pitfalls. I'll probably post a batch of hints sometime soon since I can't see any other solution right now.


And about the endings, I had the one with the queen having sex with tentacles, the one with the orc fucking the queen with me, and now I get the "let me out" ending I guess with the orc and I running away in the lac ;)


Got it - thanks for the support, I appreciate it. :) A couple of tips - there are some more endings that are based on getting to turn 50 with different conditions. There are also more endings based on saying "let me out", if you can prove stuff about the Queen. A few more very quick tips - there's a skull on the floor which might be interesting, the Queen is easily offended, Lug is is easily distracted, and you can just straight up ask to have sex. A lot of the time different endings come from different conditions, like different levels of lust and trust, or some other things.


Ok ok ! thanks ;) I will try again right now .. And taking notes about my own walktrough (for research purpose) ! Congratulations again and the show must go on ! Happy ending year btw