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tl;dr - PAL 1.4 is out and I've started work on developing PAT in a new engine.

Pervert Action: Legacy v1.4.0 is now available for $10 patrons

This release contains a bunch of smaller things I've been meaning to add - basically I decided to cut down my to do list of minor features that needed to be added to the game. Mostly it's new sex scenes sprinkled throughout the game. Rio gets some cool new interactive features, you can enter the bedrooms at night now if you've already achieved the appropriate sex scene, there's new scenes to be found in the secret passages, there's new scenes in the victory suite and more!

I'll admit this version's features are not 100% tested because I didn't have a lot of time. (I did test the ones that most seemed to need it.) If you find anything not working properly, please report it! You can do that in the comments here or you can PM or email me at: bbben.aif@gmail.com

This month's image

Here's a little sample of something planned for Pervert Action: Timelapse. It's Emi and Shuji up the front; the scene probably doesn't need much explanation.

Now that I'm trying out some new engines for the game I've got to design images with a 16:9 aspect ratio for wide screens. I don't like that ratio as much for displaying characters, but I'm trying to do my best to take advantage of the resolution by orienting things with a 'rule of thirds' composition to make it look more appealing.

You'll want to click on the image so it loads up a bit larger - 16:9 images get shrunk down a lot more than my usual image posts do. Anyway, I hope you like it!

Developing PAT in a new engine

I've started work this week learning a new visual novel engine. I'm not very proficient in it yet, but I am learning it pretty well - it's more intuitive to learn than Ren'py. I'm not planning to make a linear, not-very-interactive visual novel, of course, I'm planning to make something that looks and feels at least a bit different and will hopefully be interesting to play. I just think that a VN engine will be the best way for me to present text and images together in a much more polished package than what I was able to do with Adrift.

This does mean getting rid of the text input, but that's okay; I was never totally committed to that, I just didn't know how to work in any other engines. I tried to learn a couple but I found them hard to get the hang of; now I'm having a much better time learning the ropes and I hope to have a demo out reasonably quickly, although I still need to master a lot more features.

New character reveal

Finally, I've got a new character to reveal for PAT.

...Any questions? What do you think of the engine change? And the new PAT stuff? Let me know in the comments!



Hank Rillek

I think the engine change will work out for the better. Renpy games are way more accessible than Adrift games. I've emailed you a game that's very interactive. It might be a good source of inspiration. The new PAT image of the dancefloor is very impressive. You know you've made progress when even the background characters are hot! the sneaky person adds a lot of mystery. You've always had a sense of mystery in your games, even if the end result usually was the oni.


I hope the new engine will work out. I'm still really coming to grips with it, though, and I expect my early work will be pretty limited with it. That's just the way it is, unfortunately. I'm glad you like the image! I thought it turned out well; it certainly took a lot of effort. And I don't like spoilers, but I would say that with PAL the Oni isn't really the twist, and I think PAF will be the last time I use the Oni as a twist... I could show way more interesting pictures from the story of PAT right now, but I have to resist, so as not to spoil things. ;)


That’s Pervert Action looks cool ;)