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tl;dr - I've been working on Pervert Action: Timelapse development.

This week's image

I made this one basically for fun. Emi's a little annoyed she's not the centre of attention, but she's enjoying tormenting Shizu a little bit.

It's a variation on the planned menu images for PAT. What the menus will actually be is a series of three shots, one for each of the main girls, naked but looking away from the camera. I'm hoping to make the game randomly load up one of the three each time you open the game.

PAL refinements

As a rule I get very little feedback on my releases unless I put together a specific beta testing team, and even then it's usually only one or two people who contribute most of the bug reports and stuff. After releasing v1.4.0 I've heard about a few bugs and  EFon's been helping me by doing a run-through over the last couple of days and making some suggestions. so I've fixed the bugs and in the process I've been working on filling in a few small gaps and sanding down the rough edges, as it were. I should say, though, that when it comes to bugs, if you see something, say something! :) I probably don't know they're in there.

Anyway, because some of the bugs I've found were blocking off the new content I'm going to put out an updated release as soon as possible, to get it out this month for patrons who've pledged this month. I'm testing it right now.

Pervert Action: Timelapse development

I already gave a partial update this week, so I've got less news to share - I'm still working on learning Visual Novel Maker, although that's a slightly slow process because I get bored with tutorials and want to write or make pictures. I've played around with some ideas for the GUI, though, as well as creating new images and preparing new scenes for PAT. Oh, and I've found a bunch of stuff for the soundtrack.

I think the visual design for the game is coming along very nicely, actually, and I'm looking forward to showing more of it. I do have a couple of small concerns in mind, though. The first is that it's going to be hard for me to make the city (where the game is set) to look particularly crowded. The second is that a lot of these images take super-long rendering times. I really need to upgrade my graphics rig, but right now I'm not keen to risk messing up my system which is working well. I'm also not keen to go through the whole 'migration' process of putting all the work on a new PC yet. 

Eh, I've got the money set aside for the upgrade, but that's not going anywhere and waiting won't prevent me from getting a better system later. It'd just be nice if I didn't have to sort it out and I could just start using something a lot faster right away.

What do you think? I don't have an obvious question to ask this week, but if you've got a question or comment I'd love to hear it!



Hank Rillek

The picture looks great! Maybe you can work with silhouettes in the background? That's easier than filling it up with models. I believe a lot of creators run into the same problem, that's why you never really see crowds in other games and visual novels.


Silhouettes are great in 2D but hard to do in 3D renders. The best alternative is to use low polygon background models, but those will start to seem a bit repetitive after a while. :)