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Hey everyone! If you feel like leaving me questions for this month's Q&A, comment your questions below and I'll answer them at the end of the month!



Hello, love all your audios they are amazing! I wanted to ask a Gilmore girls question. What would you say if you favorite Kirk and favorite Paris moment? For Kirk, it has to be his performance in fiddler on the roof. For Paris, it’s when she sticks up for Rory in the cafeteria while she’s waiting to hear back from Lucy who’s mad at her!

Simon R.

Once again: Where are following quotes from? 1. ,, That‘s like the basic rules of ,,Girlcode“. You don’t go after someone you know your best friend likes.“ 2. ,, What you gotta do is simply create NPCs. So the hat will be our third player. His name is ahhhm Glenn.“ 3. ,, And even if it were contagious, I would have thought you’d risk it for me!“ 4. ,, You’re one of the few people in my life that I can always truly count on, you know? You’re always there for me and I’ll always be there for you.“ Have fun guessing 😊

Simon R.

We all know who your favorite musician is today, but which is your favorite classical composer? (In this case I mean classical in the sense of classical music and not specifically the era of classic, so including Barock, Romantic etc.)


Alright, my favorite topic, you get 1 million dollars BUT for the rest of your life, whenever you leave the house and youre driving, you have to fill up your tank before you get home. Nothing too crazy this time, just a mild inconvenience this time lol


What was the most spontaneous thing you've done?


What's your guilty pleasure tv show, song and movie?


If you had to pick, would you say you are more of a dog person or a cat person? What is your favorite color? What is your favorite food and favorite dessert?


What's your ideal day off? On the other side of the spectrum, what's your ideal/ultimate day of productivity look like?


if blue is red, why are we on a big plane thinking tomorrow or today?

anon omous

Do you know the quadratic formula, is so how do you find x? I need help I’m in the middle of my math final 😭🙏


Hi glow! I love your work! Let me just say your storytelling, acting and editing is so immersive! As for my question. I heard in one of your older Q&A’s that you were obsessed with the walking dead. I wonder if you’ve seen the finale and what your thoughts were? Also who was your favorite character? Thank you for your wonderful work!

vietkong Porsche

How do you feel about the reports of Taylor Swift dating 2 time Formula 1 world champion Fernando Alonso? Will this spark an interest in Formula 1? Pepsi or Coca Cola? What’s an unpopular opinion that you agree/disagree on? Say you got 24 hours to live, how would you spend those 24 hours and why wouldn’t you do it now? Riddle me this: what does a liar do when they are dead? (Answer is on the bottom of this comment) If you have the option to remake a movie, what movie would that be? And what changes would you make to it? Are you a jewellery person? Are you a logical person who thinks more before doing an action, or someone who acts on impulses and let’s their instinct guide them? Answer to the riddle: “they still lie”

Dangerous Tour Michael

Hey Afterglow, how’s it going? Not really a question, but more of a fun historical fact/personal anecdote. I heard in one of your older q&a audios that your favorite movie is Titanic, and you know how Jack Dawson is from Wisconsin around Chippewa Falls? Well I’m from that area, and they got a historical fact wrong in the part of the movie where he’s telling Rose at the back of the ship about falling through thin ice on lake Wissota. That lake is a man made lake, and it didn’t exist until 1917, 5 years after the Titanic sank. Also, I went to the movie in the theatres in 2012 when the 100th anniversary of the sinking happened, and the theatre was in Chippewa Falls, so when Jack said that he was from around there, everyone cheered and was like “Hell yeah!”. One more thing, have you ever been to Wisconsin? Sorry that this was so long, but I just thought that this was a fun little thing to share. Thanks for making great content, and have a great rest of your day/night- Greg


Do u think ull do audios with more of a horror theme?


Hey Glow, hope you’re going well, do you have any movie suggestions this month? (I’ve got three you might like: “Timecop” - cheesy sci-fi action, “Only You” - Romance in Italy & “Weekend at Bernie’s” - 80s comedy)

Simon R.

Adding to my dumb idea of asking what audios quotes are from, I had another one: Glow Trivia xD So here’s the first episode: What kind of bathbomb was picked, and which one should have been picked? Do you think this format will be harder or easier than the quote one? 😂


Hey Glow! Thank you for taking the time to do all our questions like usual! Assuming they were sustainable to human life, what planet would you choose to live on, aside from earth? Reasoning isn’t necessary, just which one you think you’d give with the most


Got another one, what song this month is your go to long to listen to? My recommendation for this month is ‘Pack It Up Boy’ by City Girl ft tiffi ♥️


Why did u started making asmr videos?


Hey Glow I got another question; if you where to narrow down your favourite movie, book and music genres what would they be (mine are: Thrillers, True Crime/Mystery and RnB)


What would you do for a Klondike bar?

Gillian Lasser

Hey glow hope you're doing great, my questions for this month are: 1) i rememer you telling us you like true crime series have you watched Breakout by any chance it's an old tv show about inmates escaping and telling how they did it 2) How was your month may did you do anything fun because i remember you saying your april wasn't that great? hope this month was better 3) do you have any song recommendations for us ? 4) How do you come up with ideas for your audios? 5) Do you like detective series ? also congrats on the 97,5K subs hope you get 100k soon


Hey gorgeous soul, here are some questions: 1.) How are you feeling? Are you doing well? 2.) Were there moments in your life that fundamentally changed your view on certain things or that changed you as a person for good? 3.) How did your home schooling look like? Did you have teachers that visited your home? Did you self-study exclusively? Were your parents in a position to teach you themselves and if so, if I may ask, what are they doing for a living? 4.) I find myself in the extremely rare situation that my pile of books to read shrunk into nothingness. Could you recommend me something to read? Romance, fantasy, sci-fi, historical novels, detective stories, thrillers, et cetera... In that order, preferably.


How has learning to meditate been going? Will you ever do a face reveal? Just any face, doesn't have to be yours. I've been dying to know what Julia Roberts looks like. Have you ever beaten someone up? If not, what's the closest you've come? What have you been watching on Hulu? Have you seen Only Murders in the Building? To celebrate the new Evil Dead movie coming out recently, will you read the following Ash quotes from Army of Darkness (the third Evil Dead movie) like they're lines in one of your audios? Arthur: Are all men from the future loud-mouthed braggarts? Ash: Nope. Just me baby... Just me Ash: You see this? This... is my BOOMSTICK! The twelve-gauge double-barreled Remington. S-Mart's top of the line. You can find this in the sporting goods department. That's right, this sweet baby was made in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Retails for about a hundred and nine, ninety five. It's got a walnut stock, cobalt blue steel, and a hair trigger. That's right. Shop smart. Shop S-Mart. You got that?! Ash: Maybe. Just maybe my boys can protect the book. Yeah, and maybe I'm a Chinese jet pilot.


What's an average day for you look like? Have you ever considered animations for your videos/patrons? How would you feel about collabing with another audio asmrtist?


what are your go to pizza toppings? mine are pepperoni and meatballs (not very healthy i know 🫣)


Hopefully not late yet. Question for May: Is there ever a time where you wish to escape from the world? If so, where do you go, what do you do, or do you yourself listen to asmr to drift away? Is it okay, for Memorial Day, I give a shout to a friend of mine that passed while we both served? Shout out to you Ryan, you're the best, and thanks for all the great memories, and our great country and everyone in it was truly worth it. Getting back to PoShizzle fun facts. I mentioned it before, but official now. Thanks to you, I'm now ptsd anxiety med free for two months running, and thanks very much. Have a great summer you, and all my fellow Patreons!!