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You're in a dark closet hiding from your ex-girlfriend, when suddenly a random girl steps inside, and the two of you end up stuck in the dark together



Chris d em

Haven't u heard that old saying glow...' A stranger...is just a coward you've not met yet'...!👍 (or something like that...😄)..!❤️X

Chris d em

And of corse the offer of a ride home still stands glow...and yr in luck to... I'm an Uber driver...! 😂👍x

Chris d em

Seriously glow... YOU are audio RP at its HIGHEST form...absolutely amazing script on this one...surpassed only by the effortless acting and immersive background ambiance and perfectly placed effects to bring it so vibrantly to life...makes this in my humble opinion the BAR that is now set for others to reach...but the thing is dear glow YOU are the ONLY one who can reach it and set it higher like u do EVERY time...that 'in fone conversation with his ex was sublime...i heard u do that and all I thought was ' God Damn this girls good'!...No Christopher...this girl is da GOAT..! Glow ...U ARE ON FIRE GIRL...! The sound of Yr voice telling yr stories... truly is one of the greatest joys in my life..I am blessed...thank you glow..❤️❤️🙏🙏🥰x

Chris d em

Glow .. was the 'girl' on the fone actually a you recorded ?. X

Simon R.

,, I don’t have to see your face to know that you’re blushing. I can hear it all in your voice.“ 😂 Finally payback 🤣 (I hope I quoted Raven correctly 😅 If I messed up the words I apologize)

Simon R.

Damn it I made three mistakes^^ need instead of have, no that and forgot a punctuation after hear it (but to be fair you can’t really hear that last one^^)

Chris d em

And as we are in the 'Glow-MultiVerse' where some stories and characters are connected...I'm thinking we Are at ravens party..? ..cos the person who opened the closet door...sounds exactly the same as the person who shut it on Raven in '7 minutes in heaven ...? Which strangely, u reference as a game in this one... and it could work ...cos all yr audios are technically 'timeless' and exist all at once and represent a moment in time from different points of view of that moment...🤔...Well that's how I see them anyway ...! 👍😂❤️X

Simon R.

I usually try to refrain from this, but… You think you could make a part two for this? 😳

Chris d em

U improvised some of this didn't u glow..?..I can tell..👍x


Can we get a part 2? 🙏


Lol so this was the drama

Chris d em

Wrote for fun...👍. (All Glows POV). ~KNOCK! KNOCK!~. Helloooooo..?' 'Can I help u..? 'Can u hide in this closet? .. 'Ummmm?...okayyy?... and why...??' 'Wot am I doing ..?' 'Wot all girls do in a closet,?'.... 'I'm recording an audio, Doofus!' 'Why?'... Wot ELSE do girls do in a closet ?'..... 'Pick out clothes?!'... 'Ha! Ha! Well That's a Crazy idea !'... 'Wots the audio about...?' 'Well,...It's about a girl who hides in a closet and meets and gets to know a nice stranger who's cowardly hiding from his ex...they play 7 minutes ...the door gets stuck .... they can't get out..... Drama ensues...and then..... PLOT TWIST'...! 'Wait...Hang on?!'... 'I'm giving away to much already and I don't even know you, so im not telling u the twist..!' 'You'll have to wait till I upload it !'... 'I'm Sorry , you'll have to go while i finish this or you might create a multiverse paradox.'... 'YES! A MULTIVERSE PARADOX!'.... I'll explain later' ... 'NOW GO!'.. 'Thank you!'... 'Huh???'.... 'Wot do u mean the door's stuck..???!''...😳😉👍x


^^ Tell this bro to calm down. It's a bit distressing^^


The detail with the just audible voice of her friend on the phone is so well done!