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Thanks for this month's questions! I'll never get tired of these



Loved the Q & A as always. I would definitely read any novel written by you!

Simon R.

Classic Volkswagen Camper Van? 🤪

Simon R.

And you got Hulu! 😂

Simon R.

The reason, why I asked the last question was that last time you answered: ,, Absolutely nothing.“ And I couldn’t let it stand that you think you aren’t special and nothing sets you apart. You are such a kind and giving person and in a world of self centered ambition that is something rare and something beautiful. Not only what you do but also how and why you do it.


You'll love Venice. I was stationed in Italy and it was a great time. Make sure you're there long enough to get through all the touristy stuff so you can really enjoy the city. Also, going cross country is a lot of fun. My brother and I went on motorcycles cause of a video game


..And another thing, Pluto lost it's planetary status before you even knew Pluto existed


Pluto is a planet, and you'll never convince me otherwise


Omg I didn’t expect you to listen to the song right in the Q&A! I’m so glad that you loved the song, FNP is one of my favorite groups right now and it’s criminal how little attention they have, and that song in particular is top 3 for me, but I hooked another fan! I’ll be sure to find another good recommendation, as long as I get your song too 😂 I hope May goes better for you! ♥️


Happy little trees is always a top tier pick. I can respect that. And sorry you were sick on your birthday, hope once you're all recovered you have a proper celebration. Whether that's just hanging out with family and friends or going somewhere!

vietkong Porsche

Glow cursing or saying the word “mommy” kinda hot Icl😳

Simon R.

Wall factually Pluto is a dwarf PLANET which kinda makes it a planet no? It’s just not considered to be one of the major planets of our solar system anymore. But I think saying a dwarf planet isn’t a planet at all is kinda wrong. Especially since the word planet comes from the Greek planetes which means wanderer and no matter how big our small they all wander around the sun 😊 And yes I know they made a new classification which doesn’t classify dwarf planets as planets but since the classification as having or not having cleared it’s orbit is pretty arbitrary and also inconsistent with the classification which would have to classify our sun as a dwarf star if they stayed consistent. Therefore skepticism is very much in order in this case. While I do agree with you that you don’t have to convince others of scientific facts, a mere classification isn’t really a fact, especially since classifications are subject to change as you can clearly see by the introduction of the dwarf planets.


Scientific classification may quite literally be the antithesis of the term arbitrary. Yes Pluto wanders around the sun just like we do.. and Eris.. and Orcus.. and Sedna and all the other dwarf planets. Where's the argument for their status to change? And our sun is actually a dwarf star. Therefore: what skepticism? Our ''mere'' classifications allow us to better understand the universe.

Chris d em

According to who...? Mainstream 'scientists' I presume? These people always put their theories 'out there' and 'billions of years into the future this cataclysmic thing will happen..!' Normally something unprovable or seen by any of us now but I'm a scientist so don't question it and in a billion years all of us will be dead so I won't have to answer to anyone if it turns out to be nothing like I said ...! And buy my book or more unprovable nonsense from Amazon now only 50 dollars..!

Chris d em

And I'm not talking about astrology I'm talking about scientists talking about 'the universes EXACTLY 13.something billion years old' ...etc..! How the hell do they know ..? Where they there?.. well technically yes if u believe EVERYTHING came from NOTHING we all were ..!😂..and wot did it 'explode' in to...? Another place bigger than our 'exploding into everything at once' apparently massive universe that we live in..? 🤔so saying believing in a 'classification' from these people that might just be wrong is nuts in my book....


According to the International Astronomical Union (IAU), a nongovernmental organization with over 80 national members and 13,000 individuals. Their mission statement from their website: to promote and safeguard the science of astronomy in all its aspects, including research, communication, education and development, through international cooperation. Such villainy. And it's a good thing you weren't talking about astrology, cause no one else was either. And we estimate the age of the universe in two ways; by studying the oldest stars we can find, and by measuring the expansion of the universe itself and extrapolating back to the Big Bang

Chris d em

But it's just a theory...being pushed as fact...it's not.. ! And these are the same people telling u this ..and nothing is 'banging' cos there's no sound in space ...there is only now...but everything we are experiencing 'now'...according to the bb theory was also created out of nothing 13 billion years ago...! Witch makes 'then' ...actually 'Now' ! So is creation is always happening 'now' and must always have done....? Cos these theories do come from the minds of men 'now'..who are just speculating on the 'then' FROM the 'now' ...which of corse is technically 13 billion years ago according to them but it's not....it's 'Now'..👍


Ok, a scientific theory is the highest level of explanation in science. A fact is a simple, basic observation. A theory explains "why" or "how". As for the rest of what you said, I can't make heads or tails of it

Chris d em

But still only a theory..not fact. and if the original theory is wrong.. then everything from it is wrong ...do u know of any other theories or have any of yr own ..?


You say it like a theory is something less than a fact. That's not how the scientific method works. You might be confusing 'theory' with 'hypothesis'. Stephen Jay Gould: ...facts and theories are different things, not rungs in a hierarchy of increasing certainty. Facts are the world's data. Theories are structures of ideas that explain and interpret facts. And there's plenty of other theories: cell theory, atomic theory, molecular theory, germ theory of disease, theory of relativity


"Dwayne the Pet Rock Johnson" I died