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Some little updates and random thoughts! Gonna sleep now



Glad you are feeling better. And I agree with Simon. Different people have different needs. And we live in a very individualistic culture in the states I feel. There is nothing wrong with living with family no matter the age honestly it’s actually very acceptable depending on cultures. I recently moved in with a friends after living 4 years on my own and I’m debating on if I should move back with my parents as well who really want me closer but that requires me moving states. I just miss my family in general. So just do what’s best for you Glow.✨


So, you say you had food poisoning coincidencentally right before your 21st bday and bad headaches on and after. You thought this ruse would fool us!?!?? You just decided to actually to drink and had your first hangover!!! Jkjkjk lol, but for real I'm glad you're feeling better! About Hulu, I like it infinitely more than netflix. I dont even have a netflix sub anymore because I barely used it. Hulu's parent company is also Fox which is owned by Disney. So if you have Disney+ as well, you can combo the two together to get a better rate. And the potential move is a big life choice, but make sure you talk to your landlord about price if you renew. A lot of apartments near me will give you a "first year is 'x price' 2nd year increases rent 300 or 400 a month." So that might help sway your choice a bit too.

Chris d em

I don't know wot yr options are glow but if one of them is moving back home then move back home sweetheart....be with the people u love and where u feel safe and content...u moved out at 20 ..that's a brave step at that age especially in California I imagine and u did it...! And that's a brilliant life achievement and u should be proud of yrself for doing it ...and I'm sure the experience has strengthened u as an independent woman and that's good but now the excitement of living in yr own place and ALL the other outgoings that come with it has waned some (like it always does unfortunately..)and you've obviously had time to think about it via the perspective u now have having lived alone it seems to me that home is where YOUR heart still is ....so follow yr heart...I'm sure yr mom will be over the moon to have her little girl back where she knows yr safe and can look after u when yr ill like only a loving mother can with plenty of home made chicken soup..! U don't want to be stuck in a contract for another year if u already have doubts about it and have a gut feeling that it's not wot u want ...it would be better to end the lease as hard as it might be cos of the exquisite interior accessories you've lavished on the place to make it feel more comfortable and homely to you...and yr place IS obviously a material extension of who u are because , like you , it IS beautiful but if living there is NOT making u happy inside then it's time to leave...and there's no shame in that...u had a go...it's not for u at the moment but it might be in the future but until then...home is yr future...let alone wot pixel quite rightly said about rents going up only adds to more stress and anxiety witch then lowers yr immune system leading to you feeling down and getting ill more...so my advice would be knock it on the head as it's not worth the hassle to you mentally ...nothing is. And I bet the minute u move back a weight will lift of yr shoulders and u will instantly feel better and a lot of wot ails you will just drift away leaving you feeling able to cope better with 'that other thing' and feel n be more 'you' again ...and that is wot we ALL want for you ...is you to be happy..Inside AND out..Mentally and physically...U are a VERY special Woman in our lives glow and we love you ...never forget that .. ok? But wot ever u decide to do I'm sure it will be the right decision for you...and we will be here for u no matter what..👍❤️ God bless u glow ...and I'm glad you are feeling better now ...love u lots Chris xx❤️👍

Chris d em

AND you've already turned a closet into a recording studio with a simple Mattress Topper (or that 'extra layer of foam u put on mattresses to make them softer'...😉)and a few pillows...! so once yr in there recording... u can pretend yr in yr apartment..! Best of both worlds me thinks..!👍😂❤️X

Chris d em

And BTW Glow...there's ONE thing I KNOW 100% for sure ...wotever u decide to do...and wherever u decide to go....WE'RE COMING WITH YOU...! OK..! And that's not up for debate so I'd get a LOT more pillows in that closet cos we all gonna get comfy cosy chillin' n chattin' ...until there's an ungodly smell of stale feet n socks in the air and u kick us out...! But it's ok...! I thought this might happen and brought air freshener...! 'SSSSSSSS' Ohhhh lavender..! Nice.,! Let's get back in guys...! (Glow comes to the door..) 'room for an adorable little one'..!?🥰 ...Of corse the only problem with this is not the size of the closet...it's that well all be wearing blindfolds so we can't see wot glow looks like...! 😂🤗😄❤️ Xxx.

Chris d em

But believe me when I say...we're here for u glow..in any way u NEED us to be...and from me at least...and I'm sure from all the other Glow worms... That's a promise...❤️X

Chris d em

One last thing...GET HULU...!👍x


I can confirm that Hulu is good. Currently using Fubo because they have more sports that we like. I totally understand the living on your own thing. For me, I can have really negative and bad thoughts when I’m alone for to long so I’m actually scared of living on my own. No gf for me and probably won’t happen for a long time which means that I will live alone at first.


I’m glad your feeling better. Nice


Nice ramble whatever you choose about your living arrangement I’m sure will work out. He would always be able to change it. If not, it’s not a permanent thing. Meditation is good. I do that myself. I have a couple audiobooks also which are really good. Take care of yourself and we’re here for you.


Just listened to this a second time, Glow saying “mommy” was lowkey adorable lol