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If there's a different audio you want a sequel to, feel free to comment it below!


Max Diesel

You should follow up on the couple from the 19th century ball

Grady Jaymes Smith

Would absolutely love a sequel to “Best friends sister let’s you move in”. My all time favorite ❤️

Connor Kidd

Intern is cute. I love Goths as much as the next individual, but the intern was cute.

Luis Umana

Hard choice here. But ultimately I'm going with Yes.


All of the above.


Both would be great! I also would love to see sequels to "Popular girl asks you for a favor" and "You tell your crush that you're a superhero"


I’ve been wanting another “tell your crush that you’re a superhero” for the longest. A remake or a sequel/series


Popular Cheerleader part 3


Popular Girl Drives You To School really needs a sequel. It's my personal favorite.

Chris d em

A stand alone flashback story from vampress glow telling ‘us’…. (her eternally betrothed) the story of who…why and how she killed someone for the french chocolate mousse that was ‘so good she killed for it’…!👍❤️

M. Meyer

Secret relationship with your school outcast, at the party !