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Talking about TV shows, movies, health stuff, and some other random things!


Chris d em

As for painting yr parents house …I know u don’t live there anymore but may I suggest painting any colour that you KNOW would annoy the hell out of ‘uncle Chris’ 😤 and hopefully stop him coming around and spoiling yr Christmas dinner EVERY SINGLE BLOODY YEAR..!👍😉😁😂.. ( I think painting the vase u tried to hid behind that year would be metaphorically perfect !😂😉). ❤️👍

Chris d em

And thank you for the health update glow …good to know positive things are manifesting in yr life that are making things easier for you…I wish I could do more but it’s good to see there are some people on here that seem to know about this stuff more than I and I thank them for any input they give that helps you in any way…🙏👍 but wot I can give you..is my unconditional love ..so I hope in some spiritual way that helps…🙏❤️X

Chris d em

AND are you sure those students were all muted..? I reckon they all previously agreed to pretend to be muted just so they can sit and listen to you just…talk…😊? Cos I know if one of them was me I would be asking you LOTS of short questions…that had VERY long answers …!😂👍x

Chris d em

Have you heard any fleetwood Mac glow..? And if u have…? Wot do u think..? There’s some good stuff there.. …especially stevie nicks songs …someone who tay tay admires I’m sure…👍x

Chris d em

I’ve just realised something…🤔 .and It’s That YOUR ‘Content’…makes ME ‘Content’..! 😳 Ha!..obvious now… but still weird..! language is an amazing reflection sometimes …!❤️😊x

vietkong Porsche

So when’s the Glow singing ASMR coming out?


ty for update, movie suggestion would be buried idk if it's up ur alley c:

Chris d em

Hey glow.. just wondering… wot time is it there..? It’s 5pm here in uk.. Do yr clocks go forward or back depending on the seasons… ? Ours just went forward last Saturday..x🤔x ( a totally RP unrelated question I know but was just wondering!…) thanks glow .. hope yr well…🙏👍❤️X


If I was tutored by Afterglow idk if I would pay more attention or fall asleep more


My grandma has "Dreams" on her juke box so I've heard that!! I'll have to check out their other songs tho


Yeah we just set our clocks forward last weekend I think! I'm in the pacific time zone so it's 4:22pm as I type this


Vampire girl