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Hi guys! If you feel like asking me questions for this month's Q&A, comment them below and I'll answer them at the end of the month!



Gotta make up for last month and ask two. What are the 11 most used apps on your phone? What are 6 meals you or your family cook that you think should be preserved for posterity? (Can be any type of recipe; Breakfast, Barbeque, Baking. Whatever you're into.)


I absolutely love the interactivity we got going here Glow! As usual thanks for taking the time to do these yet again! Here’s what I would like to ask you: 1- Have you considered dropping merch in the near future? 2- Do you feel overwhelmed with love & joy whenever you’re reading these? 3- Are you a summer dress type gal or sweater weather gal? 4- Where do you plan on taking your channel/patreon in a year or two from now? 5- Are you watching any anime? If so which ones are your favorite?

Scott B.

Hi Glow, happy February! Hope your year is going wonderfully so far. :) 1.) Do you prefer Italian, Chinese, or Mexican food, and what are your top 3 dishes from that cuisine? 2.) If you could spend a long weekend at any national park you haven’t yet visited, which one would it be? 3.) In your expert opinion, which restaurant has the best pancakes? (either chain or local) 4.) Would you rather only be able to wear shirts and dresses that are your least favorite color, or only be able to wear shoes that are three sizes too big? 5.) The main character of the last movie you watched is now the protagonist of the last book you read. Who is it, what are they doing, and how would the story be different? Would you watch the movie adaptation of this book? Thanks as always for doing these! Much love ❀


Alright, starting this month off with my random/weird question that my coworkers and I come up with. This month, instead of "Million dollars but" is a "would you rather", and it follows this month's theme of love...and still slightly million dollars but... Alright, would you rather be romantically involved with the person of your dreams, or, get a million dollars? (If you're curious, I'm going to reply to this with the convo my coworker and I had about this including our picks. And please dont read the response for the Q&A audio, unless you really want to. It's a bit long, and mobile patreon never let's me format correctly for a convo)


Okay, so my coworker asked me the question initially after we were talking about how his tinder date cancelled on him last minute. My response was instantly "oh easy, I'd pick the woman of my dreams", with the immediate thought of not having to do all the awkwardness of starting to date and my social anxiety being high, and just being with my person. My coworker's response was "Im almost 30 and still single, I can hang out a little longer at this point. I'd just pick the money, then I have a lot of choices from all the women flocking to me!" And my response to him was "well bud, thats how you get gold diggers and not quality" and then my brain immediately flipped to "and see, my dream woman is just a super multi millionaire. So you might just get a measly 1M, Im set for life." Now in reality money doesn't matter to me like that, but I just love finding loopholes in these questions to see how you can get both if they're positive, or mess with the person who initially asked.


For a bonus content, have you ever thought about recording and showing a video of how a video made is start to finish? Like record audio and your screen, show the realness of writing and editing the script, the recording session, to editing? I envision a very cut down video, of like 5 minutes just getting a taste of everything. I thought about this as I used to do visual effects (hence the name), and vfx artists, motion designers, and graphic artists used to do this and they were called "speed arts". Just record the whole project, put it together and upload it....though it was easier for us because we'd just speed it up to a song.... but would still be interesting!


Not sure if this has been asked before, but out of all your scripts. What one do you feel is the closest to your personality?

Gillian Lasser

hey glow how are you doing My Questions for this months Q&A are: 1) Do you like hiking in the woods or rather in the mountains? 2) if you would ever go on a roadtrip what are some places you really want to visit? 3) in one of your previous q&a audios you said your birthday was in april since april is getting closer do you have any birthday plans? 4)What is your ideal vacation? i hope you have a great month love your audio's <3


Glow! I can’t believe I forgot to ask questions last month. But no worries it doesn’t mean I’ll ask more. So 1.) When do you read the questions and answer them? Like all at once? Or like in increments throughout the month? 2) Have you seen the new Avatar movie? And if you have would you recommend us you’re listeners/viewers to watch? 3.) Favorite holiday/ tradition ? 4.) if you could only travel from one place to another what transportation would you take? Like boat, car/vehicle, plane? 5.) if you had to choose between a skill would you rather be able to see the history behind an object or be able to create an object?

Simon R.

After listening to you reciting Shakespeare I had a funny idea: Didn’t you always wonder how Shakespeares Hamlet monologue would sound in German? Here’s your chance to find out! I took the German text and used English words (for the most part) so you know how it’s pronounced. If letters are in brackets, just say the word like you would normally and leave out those letters. If it’s just one capital letter, say it like you would say that letter while reciting the alphabet. Additional non-capitalized letters read just like they normally would. I used slashes, when I had to use multiple English words for one German one, so you know what parts belong together. Have fun reading it đŸ€Ș I’d love to see how well you manage my mothertongue 😊 Sign odor /niche d/ sign, does eased here D /f(b)ra ge(t)/: Ops Ed lear(n) im(portant) /ge(t)mute/, D file und(er) shloydern death /w(m)ute and N/ /ge(t) shi(t) (so)cks/ /ear(th) dull den/ odor s(d)ish /w(r)ough n end/ /gag en(ough)/ /(s)ign ne(xt)/ s(m)eh phon(e) /plug N/, /(en)dure sh(it)/ /Wii d ear(th) sh(i)t und(er)/ see /and N/?

vietkong Porsche

I truly feel like an interviewer out here, but curiosity kills the cat¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 1. What are your thoughts on the Batman (as in the movie)? 2. In the “popular best friend breaks up with her bf audio” you asked to hand over a can of monster, do you drink monster energy IRL? If yes, which flavour is the best? 3. Do you have anything special planned for the 100K YouTube subs? 4. How often do you need to research about something completely new for an audio? For example; do you look actually study the behaviour of a certain celeb to record an audio related to celebrity people? 5. You once said that the character that resembles you the most in terms of looks is the one that’s on the cover in “snowed in with your roommate” could you give us a wide description of what you look like? Because looking at the art itself, she looks like a mix between Madison Beer (my fav celeb) and Zendaya, should I continue with this imaginative view on you? As I’ve noticed a girl (she was extremely pretty), really similar to that with your voice appear in my dreams
 Perhaps fell asleep to too much of your audio’s? :)) 6. Opinion on salted caramel? 7. Is it possible to say bubble in a mean/aggressive tone?


What do you consider "hoodie weather?" For me, it depends on the time of year. Normally it's around 70 degrees. But this week has been in the high 20s and low 30s and I've shed my winter jacket and just been wearing a hoodie.


Why do we not like Chris?  (Please skip if too personal). If you could only watch one show for the rest of your life, what would you pick? Are you learning to sing while you're learning piano? Would you rather randomly transform into a chicken on a regular basis or never be able to eat your favorite fruit again? If you had to live in a fictional universe from a book, show, or movie, which one would you pick? Would you rather have one of your arms be invisible or have to live your life with a small mustache that's only noticeable when it's well lit? In honor of the new Fast and Furious movie coming out soon, will you read the most iconic lines from the franchise in this article, or just Google most iconic lines? https://www.drivingline.com/articles/top-10-most-quotable-one-liners-from-fast-and-furious/ By the way, the bonus line should read "I don't have friends, I got family".


Hast du oder machst du Deutsch Leistungskurs? 👀


Ich auch đŸ™‹â€â™‚ïž Dachte nur, weil das ja ganz schön aufwendig ist, was du da gemacht hast, deswegen mein Respekt ;)

Simon R.

Hab auch lĂ€nger dran gesessen, als ich zugeben möchte 😂 Ich glaub ich hab dafĂŒr fast so lange gebraucht wie Glows eine Serie in ein Disney Audio umzuwandeln xD Naja war letztendlich umsonst, aber immerhin hat’s Spaß gemacht und wen anders amĂŒsiert 😋


Mega 😂 Ich glaube aber sie fand es auch lustig, außerdem meinte sie, dass du sie mal nach ihrer Lieblingsfarbe fragen sollst, also nicht aufgeben ;)) Und ich hab mich auf jeden Fall gefreut und amĂŒsiert xD