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Simon R.

We do not like Chris! xP

Max Diesel

What's wrong with Uncle Chris

M. Meyer

I'm gonna need Chris's address, work place, work hours, a can opener and a car with fake license plates. You just chill at home and be cute.

Chris d em

FYI…even tho I probably annoy glow on here with long winded comments and questions…For the record… I am NOT uncle Chris..!👍😁x

Chris d em

My condolences to you about yr great grandma glow...❤️🙏x

Chris d em

Reading 100 books in a year at that age is very impressive glow…👍 cos I don’t think I’ve read 100 books in my life time let alone a year..!👍x


Hahah you do not annoy me!! And thank you for being one of the good Chrises out there Chris 👍