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Always loved these ❤️✨✨

M. Meyer

Come on, I'm sure you've got at least four of those:)

Chris d em

Morning glow…! Hope yr well..!🙏❤️X

Rex Kwon

We’re all proud of you too! 💛

Chris d em

You Rolling around on the floor Fighting with yrself and suddenly laughing as u think..‘WOT AM I DOING..! I’m losing my dignity already… and I haven’t even started snogging the back of my hand yet’…! 😂👍 .. yr loss of dignity for yr art is much appreciated glow..! As the views on that particular audio show…and it’s great to hear u laugh and not take yrself to seriously while u record..!👍and as uncle Ben said to Peter …’with no dignity and great rug burns..comes great performance and amazing acting ability…’..🤔(or something like that..!) great stuff..! thank you glow..x ❤️😊😉🙏


You may have lost a little dignity while rolling around fake wrestling yourself...but as a true profession of your craft, you nailed the sound effects!