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She's the new intern at your workplace, and little does she know you're her boss's boss


Simon R.

Wait but who is gonna tell the elevator company that they don’t have to come save you anymore? 🤔 Really cute story Glow ☺️

Chris d em

Hello glow…! Yr timing is perfect! Cos I’m sat in a van full of noisy builders on the way to a job…..bored..! but now I can shut my eyes .. pretend I’ve dozed off and spend 15 immersive minutes in an elevator with you!👍🥰….and when those elevator doors open …my day ..as always…will be brighter ….😎.we are blessed.. so thank you ..love you lots glow😊🙏x

Chris d em

If I was Stuck in an elevator for a possible hour with u That’s definitely enough time to sit in a circle and ask you..”Sooo…Rachel…Wots yr favourite colour ? …oh its green is it? Nice..! Well…Nature is never wrong in my opinion…👍”. THEN yr reply to me should definitely be…‘’NEVER MIND THAT..! ..! FRENCH TOAST LATTE…?!?..🤔 it doesn’t even sound right saying it let alone drinking it...! boss’s boss or not yr coffee choice is a sackable offence..! so Sort It out u muppet..! ..and u can sack Marlene too…That super-sized drip with 3 sugars is hers..!”😂👍



Chris d em

Lovely little story glow ..and a lovely little performance from you with a lovely sweet innocent open ending…I bet it feels nice to have a change of pace from friends to lovers …and I bet its a nice change for for you to not have to get intimate with the back of yr hand ! …really loved u in this one glow..👍❤️😊🙏x

Chris d em

Have u got artwork sorted out for this one ..?

Chris d em

Can’t wait..! Yr artwork choices always convey the perfect look of the characters u create and perform so perfectly..😊👍


Okay, this timing is too coincidencental. My coworker and I had to use the sketchy elevator at the office yesterday. The doors didnt want to shut properly before we actually moved. While moving just one floor with all our equipment we had to set up, it stopped for a few seconds. It then continued but we thought we were going to be stuck.....Glow did you do that just to hype up your new audio? If so....not cool....though impressive to do remotely and in a completely different state....though also weird youd know where I work.... o.O

Chris d em

Hey glow..! No upload to YT yet..? Everything ok? 🤔x

Chris d em

Bummer..! But u can’t rush art I suppose…! And knowing yr keen eye for the aesthetic…I’m sure it will be the perfect visual compliment to yr work as always…is it far off being finished now..? And how are you by the way..? All Good I hope !👍 I’m guessing you’ve not long woke up over there…! (It’s still weird to think that!😳🤔)x