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Comment an audio suggestion and I'll choose one of the ideas to record! :)



Hide and seek where you accidentally get trap into a small area with your dream crush

vietkong Porsche

Your sweet, caring and clingy gf supports you through an injury you sustained in a sporting event


Hello. How about something where the listener is stood up at a restaurant. Embarrassed, they call their friend to say what happened and their friend comes to “date” them instead?

Simon R.

We had an audio, where we were caught by you playing a villain. How about you turn the tables and get captured by US 🤪 I think whatever way it plays out (you convincing us to let you go, you fooling us into letting you go, you overwhelming us to leave or some Stockholm Syndrom stuff come to mind) should be a fun audio


Your GF reads you a poem she wrote about you (It's terrible)

Gwyn Williams

Here’s an idea: The listener gets jealous when they sees their crush with someone else.

Brandon Aroonsavath

Listener gets set up on a blind date with you by mutual friends. The initial part doesn't go well so you both decide to go out and have a little spontaneous adventure in the city.


Listener just gets out of a nasty breakup with a toxic girlfriend but is feeling super down. Listener's older sister's best friend who's always had a soft spot for them arrives to comfort them.

Chris d em

Bold/flirty/confident girl Collects her Amazon package from super cute new neighbour she’s not seen or met yet but she has heard that her neighbour is cute from friends..the door opens and instant attraction on her part and the bold flirty-ness is replaced by shy/flustered awkward conversation (tripping over words) but slowly turning more flirty and bolder when she realises (by the flirty replies) that they likes her back..! and they ask her on a date and they swap numbers…EPILOGUE:..she goes happily home and notices they had already written their number and a cute flirty message on the box saying ‘hi im (blah)..I’ve moved next door(blah blah)..if u ever fancy a neighbourly coffee (blah blah)… just give me a ring!…(or something like that!😂)and she realises they obviously wrote it just in case they weren’t home when she collected it….so they must have seen her at some point and had a crush on her previous to them meeting just now!…and with a flutter of excitement in her heart at that thought she calls the number .. (cue: number pressing sound-then ringing-then answering sound-then footsteps sound while she talks ) and says ..’Hi..I got yr message…does the kind offer of the neighbourly coffee still stand? ….Yeah?….. Good.’..(cue: footsteps stop-then sound of door knock -then door opening ) and re-emboldened flirty girl stands there… eyes locked on her neighbour as they open the door.. and says into her phone …‘cos I’d like to take u up on yr offer …(puts phone down- now talking directly to them up close-normal sounding voice) …and enjoy.. (kiss)..my neighbour(kiss)-ly coffee..(kiss) right now (kiss)….if that’s ok with you?..(kiss) …it is…? … good..’. (Kiss)..(Cue:’call ended’ phone sound while kissing then door being shut..then silence..!) And scene..! Yay! I rewrote it to get thekissing scene..👍 Now it’s complete..! But it can be played without it ..I jus was Curious to see if I could incorporate it..!👍😂 ! anyway..that’s wot just fell out of my head… don’t know if it’s any good …I’ll leave that up to glow…she’s got a pretty good track record…! But I enjoyed writing it !👍😂x