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She hears you on the phone with your friend... And she's pretty sure she heard you talking about her

Thanks for listening! I love ya ❤️

Art by: https://www.instagram.com/vivianvalentinart



Chris d em

You’ll never have to try too hard for us to like you glow…in fact you’ll never have to try at all…just be you…and that will be more than enough for us..exquisite audio as always…none come close…we are blessed.🙏❤️X


Such a sweet audio! You absolutely nailed it as usual 😄


This happened to me once but with my childhood best friend’s sister who happened to overhear me talking to another friend about her… in person… and it was a slumber party. Awkward doesn’t begin to describe it 🤣


Super sweet! This is going to be one my favorites!

Simon R.

I actually had something similar happen as well. I was at a hostel for a birthday party weekend kinda thing. I knew like two out of the ten people in the room longer than 8 hours. Everyone was asleep except me and another dude… Or so we stupidly thought. After talking a while the subject turned to the girls in the room (VERY dumb idea looking back). I count my blessings to this day that the girl that joined the conversation after like half an hour was the one he was talking about and not me 😱 Still I can still word for word repeat the short conversation with her that ensued and most of the long one before that… and that was fifteen years ago… I still regret talking about the topic in the first place, not to mention WHAT we were talking. I think that situation will never let me go til I die 😅


Love this audio, hopefully it’ll get a sequel ❤️


Ahh I love it, fantastic audio. Even made me blush a little. Great audio again.