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Hi everyone! If you feel like leaving me questions for this month's Q&A, comment your questions below and I'll answer them at the end of the month! ♥


Clutch Powers

Based on the distracting your stress girlfriend how ticklish are you on a scale of one to ten and where

Chris d em

Feel free not to answer this question glow and tell me to mind my own business if u think it’s too intrusive… because I will completely understand if u do…but I have to ask !… do u have anything special planned for Valentine’s Day with anyone special ..? Or have a certain someone who might get an anonymous card..? As I’m sure u will receive in vast real and ‘virtual’ quantities ..!😂 I ask because being a ‘normal’ 20 year old beautiful girl like u quite obviously are..and going to college where people having crushes on each other and get invited to proms and dances etc is a part of every day college life..(a life u never had growing up homeschooled)…including the scenarios u bring so vividly to life in yr audios… even if u don’t reciprocate these college interactions…they still must happen to you..? Like they happen to other girls yr age.. ? As for the life of me I just can’t see why it wouldn’t happen to you in yr day to day ‘real’ life away from afterglow ..? The thought of it NOT happening to a wonderful girl like u …? Sorry! but That I CANT believe...! And around Valentine’s Day..? There’s no way…!😂 I’m just curious as I find the clandestine ...(see wot I did there..?😉) aspect of living yr life quite fascinating..! but as I said it’s completely cool if u don’t want to answer as it’s not technically afterglow related and I know u value yr anonymity above all else and I don’t wish to pry into more of yr life than u so graciously chose to share with us …for it is more than enough… but it’s a question I felt compelled to ask with Valentine’s Day coming up …! Hope u don’t mind..☺️ But regardless of yr reply I hope u have a wonderful Valentine’s Day glow whatever u do..! god bless …🙏Chris ❤️😊x. (.Disclaimer.-Valentine’s Day sponsored by hallmark. Terms and conditions apply.👍❤️😂). . Ps..I realise I may be romanticising and comparing American high school life to high school musical but I do have a legit reason …I’m British..! 😂👍x

Chris d em

Glow…! It’s time for an answer to my question from the comments (Drum roll..!) And that question is…? How tall are you..? Are u the height of 3 squirrels or more..? But seriously tho, Judging by how tall u sound in yr audios I think yr in the optimum cuteness height range of between 5 foot to 5’-4”.?🤔👍 ❤️X Also!…now you’ve posted yr ‘girls movie nite’ pic, and noticing u are a girl who obviously likes to walk around wearing something comfy AND stylish on her feet….i was wondering…? Hypothetically… if I were to buy you a nice pair of pastel coloured espadrilles for yr birthday… ? Wot size would I need to buy..?🤔 Cos they are this year’s ‘must have summer fashion footwear’ for walking trendily around on the beach in..! And with those socks…? Imagine the looks of admiration u would get ..! u know I’m right..! 👍😂x love you lots glow..! Thank u again for answering my questions.!🙏❤️


As a huge Avatar fan I have to ask this quetsion: Have you seen Avatar: The Way of Water in theater or the first Avatar? If so what do you think about it? And if not you have to see them, they're such masterpieces and I highly recommend them to you ;))


Hi! Do you have a favorite anime ? And have you thought of traveling to Japan someday?


Do you play Nintendo switch?


I've been watching a lot of King of the Hill lately. Can you give us your best Boomhauer impression? (Please look him up on YouTube if you're not familiar). If you had to give a Ted talk on something not related to your channel or Taylor Swift, what would you choose? In your opinion, is Pluto a planet? Have you ever been as obsessed with anything else as you are about Taylor Swift? What is a current guilty pleasure? Do you have any Valentine's traditions?


Alright, time for my favorite question topic for Q&As and downtime with my coworkers. "1 million dollars but..."! Okay, you get 1 million dollars, but, for the next 5 years of your life you can only listen to 1 song. It's not that you can only hear this song one time and youre done with music, it's that anytime music is playing, you can only hear this one song playing. Also, only you can hear the swapped song, everyone else hears what is really playing. You get to pick the song, and you don't manually have to play/repeat the song. In short, this one song replaces all other music for you. Whether a commercial or ad plays a song, you hear the song you pick. Same for background of a movie or TV show, instead of the romantic or suspenful track the editors/directors pick, you hear your song. It is still mixed so it's not overlapping the dialog, it's just a 1 for 1 replacement. Now would you take the money, and if so what song do you pick? (And let me guess, it would be a Taylor song)


Would you rather have the power to create and control fire or water?


What song's lyrics hit you the hardest?

Simon R.

In the breaking in audio you stole the listeners phone and our only clue to where it was the whole time is: ,, It’s not in my hand.“ So now I’m wondering… Where did you hide it and why couldn’t the listener find it while pinning you? 😂