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Washing down Nyquill with sparkling apple cider, cheers



Jason Garza

Happy New Years Glow! Rest up and get well.


Happy new year glow. I’m drunk in the back seat of my bronco


Happy New Years!!


Happy year. Drink

Scott B.

This is an…interesting mocktail recipe for sure. I might need to try this the next time I get sick. Happy New Year 🥳

Chris d em

Hey…I hope yr feeling a bit better today..(1st jan).. and being ill didn’t ruin yr nye too much… happy new year glow…now go get cozy and get yrself better.. sending virtual hugs and virtual NyQuil with all my love …❤️🙏😊x

Robert Cal

I always brings sparkling apple cider to the parties I go to. That way I have something to drink too 😅