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Sit down and get comfortable, we're in for a wild ride


Tim R

No matter what is happening here, your voice is absolutely perfect.

Aaron Price

I love your username please never ever, under any circumstances, change it.


I laughed so hard at this 😭


Looking forward to the end results take care Glow❤️ I hope you’ve managed to do some Christmas shopping lol 🛍️

Scott B.

This is amazing, and validates my long-held belief that cheek size and fingertip strength are the two most important features to look for in a person

Simon R.

I wonder if it’s possible to get a sensible story out of that website xD


You should check out chat.openai (ChatGPT). It can generate entire scripts or storylines based on a small prompt. It can generate almost anything you can think of really, it's an advanced AI text generator.