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I haven't done a ramble audio in a while, so I thought I'd do one again! Hope you're all doing well ♥


Roger B (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-06 00:26:47 I play D & D 5E Roger from Florida
2023-02-23 06:34:29 I play D & D 5E Roger from Florida

I play D & D 5E Roger from Florida

Simon R.

1. Is it weird that I caught myself thinking if it would be worth being an elderly woman in her grandmas class as an exchange for meeting her irl?^^ 2. Your grandma will get over it don’t worry. It’s almost Christmas. If you celebrate together just give her a hug and tell her you’re glad to have her. If you don’t, call her and tell her the same thing. Just saying something like that and meaning it is so powerful. 3. Ha! Now I know I can use ,,Never have I ever been to Disney Land“ against you 😂 4. I feel bad for your friends back then too. Not because they had to leave early, but because they had to spend the day and go on rollercoasters without you 😊 5. You’re brother sounds like a great dude^^ If he ever has an opening in his D&D group message me xD Mine plays way to rarely 🤪 (BTW if you seriously want to get him something for D&D feel free to PM me. I’ve been playing RPGs for years and have A TON of ideas for things like that 😜) 6. I hope you don’t feel too pressured by us 😱 You’re audios are awesome, were awesome and will always be awesome. With 8h editing or with none whatsoever. It’s you and your voice that makes them great and makes so many people fall in love with them. 7. I hope this huge monstrosity of a comment doesn’t annoy you xD


what kind of tomatoes are you growing?


I agree with Simon about it being your voice that makes us fall in love with your audios. The extra sound effects and background music sounds are literally just a bonus.


Love these little rambles, it’s like a late night FaceTime catch-up.


Aw yay!! I hope you had fun! I didn't get to see the nighttime shows sadly :( Hopefully next time. Did you?


Please do more of these rambles. It’s a great way to get a peek behind the daily life of Glow✨It’s also just a great way to connect with us in a grounded manner.❤️💯

Chris d em

I also agree with Simon and Mr Claw…we come here for you glow…to hear you and yr beautiful voice just say stuff…anything…it doesn’t matter what…and through little rambling snippets like this … we get to hear you and get to know you a bit more.. you leave us feeling content cos we’ve heard your voice… but mainly content in knowing that your ok and all is well…. So feel free to come and ramble when ever u like…. it’s all good…🙏❤️X

Scott B.

Sorry to hear that there’s friction with your grandma, Glow! 😕 But hopefully the stage is now set for an unexpected reunion where everyone realizes the true meaning of Christmas and makes up…perhaps set to sappy piano music


Wow ghosting your own grandmother you need to improve your reply game glow 😂

Chris d em

Hey glow… just wondering if it’s ‘uncle Chris’ …yr least favourite childhood uncle yr buying a Xmas present for…? And as for yr dad …socks …! A dad can never have enough socks…!😂👍x

Chris d em

I’m with u glow on the rollercoasters …except its more about fairground rides here in the uk…my ‘childhood spark’ turned into ‘why is that bolt creaking?…this pull down bar seems a bit loose…? Does the gypsy maintenance man knows about this…? I’ll go find and tell him..! And ooooh..! feeling sick and dizzy! I don’t like this’…!👍😂x


Hope your head rushes/fainting spells clear up. Never fun to deal with that. (Happened to me before, mine was due to an injury.) For DnD gifts, I think they really like dice. My best friend loves dnd and will show me some pretty cool dice, and he changes his dice out every week with his group.


Buy him some golf clubs


You're welcome! And yeah I recovered 😃 I forget what caused it exactly, I used to do a lot of BMX, skateboarding, snowboarding, and motocross. But I fell doing something on my bike. And just messed with my equilibrium up bad, and for a week or two. And then it settled and it went away. Might be the cause of yours as well? Obviously not injury based, but your equilibrium could be out of wack.