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The title sounds wild but it's wholesome and comedic I promise



this one is NUTS


Not that I would mind

Simon R.

While I really enjoyed this audio and I thought it was really cute, as a law student I feel compelled to usher a warning: do not try this at home 😅 While in this case it worked out, if the cuffed person isn’t in to it, you quickly make yourself liable. Under German law for example according to §239 StGB you could be looking at prison time up to 5 years or a hefty fine (this one would definitely be fulfilled if he plans to sue), §240 StGB could also apply for up to 3 years or a hefty fine (this one would probably be stricken though. But it is a possibility), §241 StGB would also definitely apply for up to 1 year or a hefty fine. This is just off the top of my head 😅 Incest is no joke, but imprisoning someone isn’t either 😳 So be careful guys^^ With that said: awesome audio Glow I really enjoyed it. I hope this wall of text isn’t too much I just thought it important to mention 😅

Simon R.

Though I haven’t studied US law, I just tried to see what I can find. If I‘m not entirely mistaken, in the US this would be a criminal offense as outlined in Title 18—Crimes and Criminal Procedure Chapter 55—Kidnapping § 1201 (a) and (d) which, if I am reading this right, guarantees prison time for ,,any term of years“ but not over 20. given this is a slight offense it will probably be a low number, but still prison time I guess. So in the US also not a thing to try at home xD


I know I always say how incredible your dialogue is, and how perfect your voice is, but your talent to put together these wonderful stories, and characters - to capture these beautiful moments - is out-of-this-world good. The Timelapse was so beautifully done!!


I heard Lost Control by Alan Walker in the background! Love it!


Your telling me I didn’t once try to use the I need to go to the bathroom excuse? But really great audio Glow


Bold of you to assume I fit in handcuffs. I have gorilla hands and, by extension, gorilla wrists.


let's goooo another great audio


Okay but now I want to see this presentation.


This was wholesome and fantastic ^^