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Hey guys! If you feel like asking me questions for this month's Q&A, comment below any questions you have and I'll answer them at the end of the month! ♥



Have you ever been recognized in public from your voice by a fan or friend


If money was no object, what would you do all day?


What three items would you take with you on a deserted island?

Simon R.

When you picked an audio suggestion from the suggested audio post, does that mean all other suggestions are 100% dead/not gonna happen? Asking for a friend xP


Okay, I've thought of a few silly questions for this month, hope they're not too awful! I'm always self-conscious that what I ask is really lame! What would make your day better today? I hope whatever your answer is happens for you ☺️. If you wrote a song or an album, what would it be called? Similarly, you've mentioned writing a book in the future (which we all know would be outstanding!), but do you know what it would be called or about? What time of day do you prefer to record? And do you have a routine of how you prepare for your acting? Or are you just as phenomenal as you are on the spot? What was the last song you sang along to out loud? (Don't worry, I won't ask you to sing any for us... 😞) What is on your dream menu? Starter, main course, side, desert and drink! If, by coincidence, you ever met one of your Patrons or listeners, what would your reaction be (assuming they didn't recognise you or your voice)? Would you mention it, keep it a mystery, perhaps even run away (even if they were nice)? If an audio was tailor-made (or should I say Taylor-made 😉) just for you, what would it be about? Why does everyone keep betraying Elijah? EVERYONE!! 😫 And, because you should be, what are you proud of yourself for this month? And I'll go one further - what are you proud of yourself for today? Sorry, J. (Don't stop being incredibly special 🌟)


If you could go back and do over some audios , which ones would you change and what would you change ?

Trevor M

What editing software do you use for your audios? Would you ever do a behind the scenes look at what goes into making an audio from conception of an idea to final publish? I know that’s a lot of work to put that together. Lol When you write the audios, do you have a copy written down of what your version of the other part would be? Like a complete back and forth transcript. If you were to cast an actress to portray you in a movie about your life, who would it be? Before you came up with your channel name, what were some of the alternatives that you came up with?

M. Meyer

Did you see the new top gun ?

M. Meyer

Do you have fun ?

M. Meyer

Is your dad a cop ?