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Some kisses & comfort for a good night's sleep ❤️



Henry Donnelly

Oh boy! I love the girlfriend ones!


I'm only a couple minutes in, but I can already tell this one is going to be a classic! Whilst I haven't just had a nightmare, I really needed this type of comfort audio right now. I won't go into why, but thank you. That's genuine ☺️

Simon R.

I‘d like to quote something back to you Glow: ,, You deserve to only ever feel happy and warm and safe.“ It seems like such a simple thing to wish for, but if one really thinks about it, it is all that truly matters and should truly matter to anyone. So I do hope the good wishes from your audio come true in your life 😊


Perhaps commenting 3 times is overkill, but after waiting, I finally listened to this all the way through while trying to sleep. I feel like my comments have been super embarrassing lately - over the top, or cringey, or annoying - and tbh, it's got me a little down, and perhaps a little worried I've messed up (maybe that's because of my anxiety disorder, or perhaps I really have). So I'll keep the rest of this short and honest. This audio was unbelievably calming. It was extremely heart-warming and cozy, yet funny, and one of the most comforting experiences possible. This was perfect.


thank you for the audio - here you go 🌹 have a great day


anakin - you were the chosen one


i’m sorry….. i’m sorry anakin… for all of it


this remake is great but it's missing that iconic Minecraft line

Mahk n Cheese

i remember having a dog AND a frog pillow pet when i was like 5, living in luxury


I remember the first version of this and I love the improvements


No need to be embarrassed. We all paid to be here, and commenting is our most basic privilege. I highly doubt you are bothering Glow or anyone else just by commenting the way you want. You are always very positive and you don't say anything that would make anyone uncomfortable. If someone has issue with your comments I think that's their problem

Simon R.

I completely agree, even though I completely get the feeling. You always have to remember that no one gets forced to read the comments all the way or at all. If it annoys others, who cares. If it annoys Glow, she can just write an ,, Awww thank you“ after reading the first half sentence and all is good… Or just ignore it all together. Who could tell? So it really won’t hurt anyone when you comment so you’re completely fine. And if Glow really does have an issue with anything we comment, I would hope she would tell us. I don’t believe anyone here has malicious intents, so one can talk about everything, so we can all be at peace right? 😊 But I know what you mean. I worry after every second comment or message I send on Patreon that she will now definitely hate me xD But you know what? I just figured if she doesn’t say anything in that direction it really doesn’t matter, because either she’s fine with the comment and therefore all is good, or she is too nice to tell me that I‘m an idiot but since I wouldn’t know in that scenario I can’t do anything about it, so it’s not worth wrecking my brain over it either. Maybe you should adopt that train of thought it helps me sometimes at least 😉


You guys are absolute stars ⭐️! I won’t go too deep into my anxiety or OCD, but the fact that you guys went out of your way to comfort me means a lot. Genuinely.

Simon R.

I hope this is not to odd a request, but I don’t know how else to do this, other than an off-topic response to a comment: I would like to contact you to pick your brain on a stupid project I thought up again and I need a second opinion before I do something dumb^^ You are on her Discord right? Would you tell me what nickname you have there so I can message you? I tried to write a PN over Patreon but am obviously too dumb to figure out how that works 😅 Hope this is not too weird^^


Hey! Sure, it's just Grey Monaghan over on Discord too ☺️