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Hey everyone! If you feel like asking me questions for this month's Q&A, comment your questions below and I'll answer them at the end of the month! Mwah ♥



Not a question, just a request. I just got this robocall the other day and it's probably the most annoying sentence to hear in the English language and I want to see if you can make it less so. In your most ASMR tingly-inducing way, please say... "We've been trying to contact you regarding your car's extended warranty."


Now that you have your own place, what do you do when you need a hug? What's the best way to make yourself happy again? (here is a virtual hug from my cat, for when you next need one 🐈 )

M. Meyer

Hello, how are you ?

M. Meyer

Your latest audios got me wondering how your first kiss went. Also what is a good kiss and environment for kissing someone for the first time ?

M. Meyer

Not a question. In your latest bloopers audio you sound like Biden trying to define America in a single word.

M. Meyer

Are you getting tired of recording audios ?

M. Meyer

Do you still study ?

M. Meyer

If I'm not wrong, voice acting is now your main activity. Are you still able to have a social life even though you kinda work from home ?

M. Meyer

My next gym session will be pecs-triceps, what about you ?


Have a wonderfully perfect August 🥰