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Hey everyone! If you feel like asking me questions for this month's Q&A, comment your questions below and I'll answer them at the end of the month! Much love ♥



Some of life's big questions: Heads or Tails? Left or Right? Head or Heart? Hope or Certainty? Vampires or Rebellious Girls? Youtube or Patreon? Phineas or Ferb? Squirrels or Ketchup? France or Hot Air Balloons? Pillows or Manicures? Ghandi or Snow Butterflies or Custard? Pyjamas or July? And so concludes, without doubt, this month's worst, most stupid ridiculous question. ... why, just why am I writing this...?


Would you describe yourself as an introvert or an extrovert?


I hope you have had a wonderful month, because all of your posts have made mine so much better. (I wish I could better express my gratitude without sounding like some cringey loser, and it's fair to say that all my ridiculous questions have only added to that) Do you have any highlights from this month, on top of your huge achievement with the apartment, of course? And, looking forward, what are your hopes and wishes for July? I hope that its perfect for you ☺️

M. Meyer

Hello ! How are you doing today ?

M. Meyer

How much time do you spend managing your patreon account every day (posting, uploading, responding, HEARTING EVERY SINGLE DAMN COMMENT) ?

M. Meyer

Do you own a car ? What type of car is it or what would it be if you were to buy one ?

M. Meyer

Pain au chocolat ou chocolatine ?

M. Meyer

Not a question but I call you AGL. Deal with it.

M. Meyer

Can you touch your nose with the tip of your tongue ? Prove it.

M. Meyer

Will you ever make a sad ending audio ?