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Thank you so much for your questions!



Griddy tutorial when?


How tall are you

M. Meyer

Aaaand I forgot to ask questions... again...


Why do I have to ask such stupid questions? lol 😂 The 'bri'ish' accent was pretty darn adorable. And the fact you said 'what in the world' has just made my day! (okay, its only 8:45, but there's no way that my day is gonna get any better than that 🥰)

Simon R.

Hearing the ,,high‘‘ speeds you guys drive in the US is always so funny to me 😅 Here in Germany we don’t have speed limits on many freeways, so the fastest I‘ve driven is probably around 125 mph (200 km/h) and I drive between 110 and 118 mph (180 and 190 km/h) on a regular basis 😂 I guess we are menaces of the roads here 😅

Simon R.

@GreyMonaghan there is no way you are the most irritating person she has to deal with^^ A because just sit in a train for a while and listen to people around you talk (try not to kill yourself for losing faith in the human race^^). Most likely she’ll have to deal with people like that as well. And B there are people like me that don’t stop at writing sweet comments under uploads and giving her questions to answer, but rather find it necessary to annoy her with walls of texts in the private chat, pumping out scripts she then needs to pretend to like (also probably annoying the mods in the process^^) and to take the cake actually have the stupid idea to respond to the letters she sends. Not as a real letter, since I obviously don’t have the address and not in an email because that would be to simple, but rather in projects ranging from writing it as a poem to including recordings of the various instruments I play and adding blanks in the text for the songtitles. These projects tend to take between 2 and 10 hours. I have yet to meet a person who can match my awkwardness, so don’t worry you’re good 😂 And before anyone asks: yes I am crazy and my mother had me tested and no I‘m not dangerous… at least to my knowledge 🤪

Max Diesel

I still remember the days when Skype would crash and I had to tie/tape the landline to the side of my head with my buddies on the other end.


I see, I need to up my game!! 🤣 lol. Na, but for real, nothing wrong with being crazy (at least I hope not, or that's me finished too 🤣), you seem like a damn cool dude ☺️

Simon R.

Well thanks 😊 I think cool would be the last thing anyone of my reallife friends would call me, but I‘ll take it xD And as I said before: I think what you do with your comments and questions on here is completely fine and cool aswell 😜

Kiko Raterta

Same. But I actually became a patreon way after the May Q & A post 😆 sadly though, I won't be after today. I'll be back though. Just gonna be dealing with personal things. 1 patreon gone won't stop Glow reaching 1000 (^-^) ❤

Kiko Raterta

Driving in Germany is fun lol planning to visit my uncle there again this year


Nope, my day definitely didn't get any better! (well other than the 2 or 3 times that I re-listened to the Q&A lol)


LETS GOOO she got me blushing and swinging my feet and


And its no surprise you haven't seen the new Batman movie, cos the only movie you ever need to see is the new hobbit movie, its so famous okay bye bye


Never seen The Originals? Unacceptable. Watch party on Discord. Everyone's invited