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just cant catch a break can he



Simone Spinozzi

"See i told you i was alive! Here are my friends! ORGY TIME!" "Hmmm... i see your point." "you like to see my canines and claws?" "what?" "you said you see my pointy bits." "lady... uh... how old are you?" "dude i got a post-doctorate, but if i can't roleplay being a bimbo for fun then how can life be worth living?" "... no, okay fairs. So ... wait... is the big horned lady here in the roleplay too?" "nah, i'm just horny." "and a mom with mom jokes?" "Puh-leease i'm 27 and not nearly anywhere ready to think of setting up family." "uh... okay... this is a lore dump i was not expecting." "also: we are all robots. This is breed world after all. Like westworld, but with dinos" "wait for real?" "are you going to stay and discover?" "uh..."

Wolfy Wet Furr

I hope he can't catch a break. That would throw off the pacing that's been set so far, and would diminish the whole sexual exhaustion kink aspect. Hah. So is this raptors returning with friends, or was the last one pulled off him not a raptor?