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printed out the sketch on 11" by 17" smooth bristol board and went over everything in pencil.  there is something about traditional medium that still seems to have the edge over digital.  so i will pencil out the rest of the book.  i just wonder if i want to use my acryla gouache or digital coloring 



Simone Spinozzi

hmmm... it depends on the speed you want on the final delivery of this comic. Speed comes with practice, but i reckon that you are faster with digital.


i am. but if im not excited about the final product then how can i get everyone else to be excited?

Wolfy Wet Furr

I'm all about tongues and their many applications! Big licks are great and working then into tit-jobs just compound two individually great things. Also worthy of note to me though, is just how pretty the trike's head structure and expression in the middle panel looks. <3