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Like with Homecoming, I wanted to compile all of Half Sisters for new readers - and also all of you wonderful patrons who would like an easy download. 💖

I decided to split it up into Season 1 and Season 2 pdf, because they're both over 400 pages (Season 2 has more pages per episode!)

Enjoy! Episode 44 of Half Sisters will be dropping tomorrow with your poll choices in action... 😉




I am always grateful, my muse, given how convenient you make everything for us.


Thanky Emory for compiled seasons of this story. Do I sense a possible role reversal in the next Half Sisters episode! I mean now Nikki ( formerly Nick) will now be sweet as honey and Lauren ( the winner of the poll) will play off on her ex-boyfriend Nick ( now Nikki), for his bad behavior or is she just mean girl by nature? Now just waiting for more pages with Nikki in a cheerleader outfit, right🤨🤩?


Thank you, Wojtek! I have notes and plans for these upcoming episodes. I'm really excited for you to see them! 😉