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Thank you to everyone who voted! 😊 The winner of the poll was:

The Faulty Fiancé - Andy was engaged to a woman with a severely wealthy and influential father. As the wedding date approached, her father decided that his daughter deserved someone better. A 'passionate' conversation led to Andy being handed over to Clinic 12...

That said... The poll was so close that I decided to do a bit of a mashup! I hope you don't mind. ❤️

I sooo enjoyed writing and creating the art for Ava's story. She's tougher than she looks and may be an important (and cute) friend for Jill in Phase 9!

I can't wait to hear what you think!




Ava is so angelic but I really didn't expect Gina to be like that, so kind and merciful. Again, your skill mazes me, my muse. I expected her to be what a daughter of "Doctor" Hatcher and "Mr." Davis or Mr." Kaschak would look like. It's always elating when your muse and inspiration proves you wrong. As for the monstrous "Dr." Elizabeth Hatcher, she is the embodiment of Arthur Conan Doyle's quote "When a doctor does go wrong, he is the first of criminals. He has the nerve and he has the knowledge." Doyle just got the gender pronoun wrong. She is no more worthy of being called Doctor than "Doctors" Dreverhaven, Ishii, Wirth, Mairanovsky, Shipman, Mengele or Freeman. Her self-pitying justification in one of your panels about ridding the world of "dangerous & useless men" makes my shiver with dread & makes my blood boil with anger at the same time. The worst crime of all is that like Clarissa, the trans woman who first put make-up, nail-polish and did Holly's hair, she could've said NO. Nor did I expect you to mix and match the results of the poll into a story. The fact that makes you such a great writer and illustrator. Other writers would've just gone with the leading poll result and called it quits, but never my muse Emory Ahlberg. I thank you very much for continuing to inspire and elate me. Please tell me, I'm dying to know, did you research any of the above mentioned "Doctors" when building up Elizabeth Hatcher?

Ella Cherry

Great transformation/evolution 😉! Looking forward to see more of her!


Nice story and nice compromise Emory. Ava is very pretty, I look forward to seeing more of her. I wonder how it will/ would be for her if she ever runs into her fiancé Mila? It would be interesting to see how that would play out.


Oh Ava... you're truly a beautiful butterfly now... and your knowledge and experience from your previous life could be very handy soon. I am sure Mila if ever you two will meet, she will look at you only with awe ❣️❣️❣️ P.S. Gina imho is creepy, please keep her on distance. I know she helped you a lot, but keep in mind that she works for them... people who sell people... she's nice to you because it is good for "merchandise"... Trust Jill, not Gina! And for now, keep calm and be gorgeous.


I was delighted that you merged the two winning choices from the survey. Ava is a cutie and definitely bubbly! 😍 We'll have to see if she reunites with Mila in the future and they can both walk up the aisle in white!....although Brooke may have something to say..... And Gina... what to say about Gina? I'm still not sure about her role in the story, it's clear that she won't be a black or white character, but a grey one (very George R.R. Martin - I think I've already told you about it), but I like her a lot for the moment, and even more being part of Holly's team - The Coven. 😉 From the little information you are giving us, I think there is a differentiation, for the good between the team of the Toys (Davis) and the team of the companions - the Coven (Holly and Gina).


Thank you, ckarya!!! I'm glad you appreciated the blending of the two winning choices - it certainly made for an intriguing twist! Yeah, Ava's charm and vivacity are pretty endearing. As for the future with Mila, it's filled with potential... but whether it's a disaster or a triumph is hard to say. Gina is certainly a character shrouded in gray, isn't she? Your comparison to a George R.R. Martin character is apt - she's complex, multi-dimensional, and leaves us uncertain of her true intentions. But I'm glad you like her! She'll certainly be playing a role in Phase 9.

stacy C

Loved that Em....always enjoy the ones where u get to see their his(story) hehe x


Thanks, Stacy! It was really fun to find out "where" Ava came from... I personally can't wait to see more of her!