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We first met Ava in Jack & Jill - Phase 9, Part 24 when she was introduced as being under the "care" of Gina and one of Jill's biggest fans. Ava is generally pretty bubby and is a close confidante of Brooke. But before Ava, there was Andy...

Who was Andy before his life was rerouted by Second Dawn? Here's your chance to decide!

1) The Estranged Artist - Andy was a gifted painter, who lived a life of solitude, expressing his emotions through his art. Unfortunately, the loneliness led him to seek companionship in the wrong places. His path crossed with a patron with ties to Second Dawn, and the rest is history...

2) The Faulty Fiancé - Andy was engaged to a woman with a severely wealthy and influential father. As the wedding date approached, her father decided that his daughter deserved someone better. A 'passionate' conversation led to Andy being handed over to Clinic 12...

3) The Outcast Cop - Andy was a former police officer, who, after reporting several of his fellow cops into internal affairs, found himself ostracized and betrayed by his comrades. The corrupt officers, having connections with Second Dawn, ensured that Andy was taken out of the equation permanently by having him brought to Clinic 12...


Emily Morgan

Unlikely to win but I think an introverted (lonely) artist being turned into a bubbly extrovert woman sounds like a dream come true.


I like the ‘outcast cop’. Someone doing the right thing- sometimes life can be seen unfair, but maybe, in time, it may not seem this way to Ava?


Voted for third one. Paul, our genius now known as Brooke previously sought help from Andy 'outcast cop' (which would explain their acquaintance) but as you can see they both fall victim to Clinic 12 because they more-or-less stand in its way of making money. Andy now known as Ava not even that he fell victim to the algorithm invented by Paul. How do you like such a story 🤔😏?


I voted for the cop option because someone who used to be a policeman, if they retain the spark when called upon, could be really useful when the showdown happens. The girls will need to draw on all their skills and reserves when it does. Maybe even Conner might do the right thing for once in his scummy life.


Right, but it depends how Conner/ Connie ? will be transformed into someone like a chick who can make a fuss or, on the contrary, some docile gray mouse, what do you think?


Hard to say. I’d expect the former, but he/she might just give in easily. We’ll see.

Autumn Rovers

I voted for the cop cause the world can always use a little more beauty energy and less police :)


Ava was one of the good ones...a good cop. I don't see why Robert Louis calls Connie scummy, since Connor has done nothing that ALL military officers throughout history haven't done, aren't doing or won't always and forever do, namely cheat on his wife.


Well, remember Connor was taking advantage of vulnerable women. The power disparity between them (they were his informants) made it very scummy.


Let's make it a draw!


The most "popular" among all tg stories there, the most simple, the most boring option won... meh, I believe Emory will still make it worth and beautiful though.