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The Phase 8 Farewell pinups continue!

Today is Ryan, Josie, and Adele - two girls Jill has saved, and one who's hoping to save Jill (and destroy Xu and Second Dawn in the process!)




Josie seems totally adapted to her new body


Gosh! Is that resignation in Ryan’s eyes? Or is it something else? Always enigmatic, Emory. And Josie, perhaps the prettiest face in your pantheon, but with disconcerting, even disturbing eyes, and that voluptuous body that has undone so many unsuspecting men. And finally Adele, the unexplored innocent. Yes, Phase 8 was quite a ride. xxx


Yeah - her son accepting her as "mom" has definitely helped her come to terms with her new voluptuous body. 💖


Thank you, Robert!!! Yes, I think you're correct about what Ryan is thinking...especially in that moment. How could anyone as pretty as THAT still be a guy? 😉 And I totally agree about Josie! She is haunting in EVERY way. I can't wait to see more of Adele in Phase 9, too!