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Well, we did it. We reached the end of Phase 8 of Jack & Jill. This phase marked some significant turning points for our favorite characters which shook the core of the storyline. It has been a rollercoaster of emotions, excitement, and discoveries (both good and bad). I loved writing it and seeing all of your reactions!

I've always felt this evolution should be commemorated, and what better way than celebrating the end of this phase with pinups of aour heroines? But just one day wouldn't do justice to our (mostly) guys-turned-girls! So, this will be a week-long event dedicated to showcasing these pinups! I want all the girls to have a chance to shine.

Each day, we'll celebrate a different character, giving them their moment in the spotlight to truly shine. They'll appear in the order they debuted in the comic - except for the brave and bold Jill who will be last. 😊

Starting us off, we have Angela, Holly, and Janelle!




Angela is voluptuous and seems happier in this pic than she does with her lot in life. Holly is in many ways the most complex and contradictory character in the whole saga. The key to her is that she puts her own survival above everything and everyone else. It makes her appear ruthless - and she often is - but it’s all too easy to forget all that she’s lost, including people, along the way. Janelle is someone whose resilience you really admire. She’s so fragile but determined at the same time. And gorgeous too. Great renders, Emory. xxx


I love how you think about the characters, Robert! 💖Angela has come a long way so hopefully she's headed in the right direction. She even asked Mr. Xu for bottom surgery! But there is definitely things in her life that she wishes were different. And you're absolutely right about Holly - people forget she was the first guy to be changed by Xu. She had nobody to help or guide her into femininity. She's strong, but also very damaged. Great point about Janelle! I feel like she came out of the process both MOST and LEAST changed. Like, after Second Dawn I fully expect her to become a badass security agent again...now with a new set of skills! 😉

stacy C

How far they've come.....beautiful ! x