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After the confrontation with the football players, Scott/Sandy's date with Jessica continues back at her apartment...

The next episode of Half Sisters is here! Yay!

I'm having such fun exploring the differences between how Sandy and Nikki are approaching their newfound femininity. Nikki is fighting with tooth-and-nail, whereas Sandy seems to be adapting a little easier. Although Sandy still has a lot to learn about womanhood!

I can't wait to hear your thoughts on this episode. 😊



Alyson Greaves

oh my GOD (coherent thoughts later)


Close call! Gosh that Jessica is so hot. Why that doesn't happen to me.


Yep Sandy, that was the dumbest thing you could have said. The truth will out. Where it goes from here will be quite a stretch. Back to you, Ms Ahlberg.


Need more time to process... same as Alyson ;)

Patrick Hunt

Scott/Sandy really feeling the pressure

Ella Cherry

Oh Sandy… no… 🤦‍♀️

Alyson Greaves

Sandy: Hey, Nick, something happened with Jessica and me, and I have to talk about it Nikki: 👀 Sandy: No details tho Nikki, reluctantly pulling her bra back on: FINE I guess I can be a HELPFUL FRIEND and not get off on this Sandy, no, you don't make everything worse, your every decision in both stories has resulted in unequivocal improvements to your life, from becoming a girl to getting a devoted bf to getting free FFS and orchi to attracting this new hot girl who can help you solve murders like on Scooby Doo. Believe in yourself! Sandy: I'm a guy! Jessica: God, you're pretty. Sandy: 😊😊😊😊😊 Sandy: still a guy tho Sandy: just call me pretty again I do love that she keeps trying to come out to Jess as whatever confused identity she holds at the moment. Babe, she's doing you a favour, giving you more time to sort your head out, so you don't say anything daft like, "Being a hot rich girl sure would suck." Also, Sandy's face in the panel where Jessica's calling her beautiful is just so good. She looks so pensive! BOOBS. Excuse me. "Um, are we getting naked?" Sandy I am going to chase you around with a rolled-up newspaper until you get a clue. Love Jessica's perspective on people's pasts. And her instant insecurity when she thinks she's pushing too fast. Someone get this stunning redhead some confidence! "I've never had a girl like me before" — Sandy my heart BREAKS for you. And then the granny pants. Babe. BABE. You don't need to wear a tent to tuck comfortably. Also, stop bringing up Mrs Ferris, you're killing the mood. Jess'll probably start imagining Mrs Ferris glaring down at them, like she was in the pool, and she doesn't need that when she's trying to seduce you! Sandy's subby streak coming out again. She's adorable. And she'd do so well on trans girl twitter. And then... Sandy is dumb. Oh, sweetie. The art and the posing and the environments and the EVERYTHING, all fantastic, again. Just constantly blowing me away. I'm so hooked on this story and I'm gradually Sandypilling, like, everyone I know.




Thank you, Robert! This harkens back to her days as Scott when she was impulsive and quite used to lying. Maybe she'll be able to make it right somehow... Although I don't know how much help Nikki will be. 😉


🤣 Yeah, imagining poor Nikki reading between the lines and thinking of Jessica -- then screaming out loud when she realizes she's ALSO thinking about Sandy. One could certainly argue that Sandy's best-ever decision was breaking into Mrs. Ferris' house. Sure, she was threatened with jail, but Mrs. Ferris also promised more $275,000 (tax free!) at the end of her five-year stint as a maid in a house that barely gets used. Of course, Morty ramping up her HRT dose from "calming" to "girlifying" was an unexpected bonus. 😉 Sandy trying to tell Jessica that she's "not a girl" is (unintentionally) becoming Half Sister's voice spray. Nobody ever lets Jill talk about that! Sandy has never been called beautiful except by one other person--who is also currently on a potentially dangerous investigation for her. But she still isn't used to these kinds of compliments! LOL - a newspaper might do her some good. Sandy is very smart about what other people need. When it comes to her own needs, she can be almost as dense as Nikki. She had good parents--but then everything went to hell, and she was neglected for most of her formative teen years. It has become almost inconceivable for her that someone might actually like her for who she really is. Of course, that's all muddied up by that fact that she's not sure she even knows who she "really" is anymore. The granny panties... Sandy DEFINITELY didn't think this was how the night would end 😂. OMG, she really would do amazingly well on Twitter. 50k followers in less than a month, guaranteed. Frightening thought. Maybe I should make her an account. 😉 THANK YOU SO MUCH, ALYSON. 💖

Alyson Greaves

Hey, thank YOU! You're the one who persists in making this story I'm addicted to 😛


ok let's go... My 2 complaints... granny panties are not cute but ugly ;) and page 10 "bra on desk" hmmm there is no way it could be reproduced IRL... without nailing it to the desk... so we have a visible proof that those are actually renders not photos... ;)

stacy C

Doh! Way to kill the mood Sandy hehe x