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The continuation of "Undercover" again turned out longer than I expected. Thank you to everyone who voted! I hope you like how it turned out.

I believe there will be at least one more part to Special Agent Peter Abaya's story. 😊



Jessica Thence

Sure, keep on pretending you're doing a mission and it'll end one day sweetheart. It'll make you feel better. But I don't think anything is changing.


What's even worst, had Peter decided to do his job and bring the Cartel down I'm pretty sure the FBI would care less about his sacrifice, and would have not compensated him for the irreversible changes in his live. I can understand, under those circumstances a person could be seduced into luxury even it it was illegal. Peter is now in a position to get his revenge and end up with all that wealth.


OH MY GOSH Emory!!! What a great chapter. You amaze me with your story telling ability. 💖


Thank you so much, Rex! I had so much fun writing this part. I can't wait to finish Peter's story. 😊


That's a great point, Pelican. Peter probably would've gotten a pat on the back, but they're certainly would've been a full investigation into how he could have prevented falling into Navarro's hands in the first place. They would likely find a way to blame him and maybe even fired him from the FBI. Peter is undoubtedly in a better position here to affect real change, although whether he falls deeper into this lifestyle remains to be seen. 😉

France Day

A delicious meal and offered with such delicacy. Maya can take control but also lose it. Thanks EA.

Allan Kim

Why dont you make another comic with this story? I think it might be better than "half sister".

Ella Cherry

That’s a story I would gladly follow as long as you keep writing it, Emory! It’s fantastic!


I think that I would be pleased if you'll continue with this story as long you'll be able to find such fine photos of that beautiful model ;) In short... I want to know more about this story ❣️


I wonder if illegal high powered hormones and hormone blockers are part of the drug trade?


There are certainly organizations out there willing to pay top-dollar for them. 😁


Thank you, Allan! I've been thinking of doing something like this. I enjoy the "speed" of the storytelling I can do with prose + images and might extend that to a new comic...


Thank you so much, Ella! We'll see how long her story goes. I don't want to jump the shark. 😉


Maya will be the new "Teresa Mendoza - Queen of the South"? Great story!


Difficult answer, power, wealth and luxury tempt everyone, and with the radical turn of his life who knows?

stacy C

I think he's too down that femme rabbit hole to escape now LoL x