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The 1950's won the poll!

Don't bet what you can't afford to lose. 😉




I always love 50s themed captions! Such glamorous style!

Jessica Thence

Fun period piece. Tatted up 50s lady you don't see that too often haha.


Tommy must have been pretty(ish) for Rick to organize this :D ...Does Tammy really think that this will end in one month - looks like Rick is still shifting gears with her ;)

France Day

A vintage girl who has style cannot lose because she is always at the forefront. Very nice EA, thank you.

Alyson Greaves

Feeling pretty damn good about my vote for 1950s right now.


I loved it!


Did Tammy really became "his girl"? It sounded as Tammy gave her virginity up to Rick huh? I'd kind like to learn how that went.


You’ve really captured the hyper real photographic look in your captions these days. Absolutely stunning.


Thank you, Aly! 😄 It's such a rich time period, full of contradictions... and very fun fashion.


Not only did Tommy/Tammy give up the "pink slip" to his car... I think Tommy/Tammy is now wearing a pink slip!


LOL 😂 OMG... so cool... It looks like another race again... and another mysterious fuel mixture failure cause I think it is quite safe to say it will not end in the month... better for Tommy/Tammy to get used to more things than makeup 🤣


I think you're absolutely correct, Maggie. Looking as good as she does, there's not much of a chance that Tammy won't be around for a long, long time. 😊

stacy C

Looks like Tommy will be revving Rick's engine now hehe x