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The winner was, "His best friend changed him into a dutiful wife." 

Which turned into this 1,000-word caption. 😀

Do you think the ends justify the means? 




Under those circumstances, I do. He never meant to make a wife, all meant to safe his friend going down a self-destructing path from himself. That means he cared enough to do something about it.


he naturally came in line when the hormonal medication kept her from being more destructive and instead be more honest with herself than previously thought. I feel the same way sometimes and think back on how damaging my life was but became honest with myself when I can have a excellent conversation with women than men and your surroundings were all women as well too. I admit that I was empty inside for a while but I realized that I have kept that side of me that needed to be a woman has been imprisoned for a life sentence until she broke free after a tragic trauma happened and she is happy!

Diana Bialaska Hansen

Can't really express how much I love this story. While our heroine might have needed that push, it is obvious that once she got that, she realized what was missing in her own life and pursued happiness. Earlier in life I might not have acted like her, but I was self-destructive. Because I just wanted all of that pain on the inside to go away. When I started my transition was the happiest day of my life. The day I got that first pill, I cried tears of joy, knowing that I was finally moving in the right direction. So thank you for giving such a wonderful story, where the main character is a trans girl, she just didn't know in the beginning, yet recognized what was then making her happy.


This is another good one Emory. Do you see any possibility of there being a continuation to it? 🤩


Oh... in this particular specific case I think YES... things worked out perfectly here... but I am afraid that generalizing this it's dangerous ground. By the way, not that I'm complaining, but I miss the 5th page where the newlyweds kiss and the wife says to her husband that she forgives him everything... (what can I say, I love good endings 🥰 )


Can you upload a txt file?

Alyson Greaves

I scrolled back down and re-read this and it's far too late at night for me to have a more coherent comment than Hell Yes because this is extremely My Shit. So, Hell Yes.


😁 Thanks, Aly! I had a lot of fun writing this one, and I honestly didn’t know how it would turn out when I started. Their tale just sort of evolved in a very organic way, which was delightful. I hope they’re happy together!


True, and that’s what a real friend would do. Of course, his methods are more than a little questionable. 😉


That’s so amazing, CJC! I’m so happy you found yourself. I suppose it’s a shame you didn’t have a pal like Brent to give you a bit of a push in the right direction. 😉


❤️ You’re very, very welcome, Diana! Although I enjoy darker captions, I also like stories with happy endings — and I can’t think of a happier ending than finding yourself after living for so long in the dark.


Thank you very much, Rex! Hmm. I’m honestly not sure. This one kind of feels like a complete story. What do you think?


Thank you, Maggie! And 😂 on the fifth page. I know what you mean but I wanted to keep a little mystery. 😁


So true! to find one's self is more of a journey than a destination and isn't even that wonderful until you open oneself up and make your own destined journey and basically fulfill your own needs instead of wants to make others happy. One has to be stable in order to make other things happen the way that has no limits!

stacy C

Good friends should always be there to offer support.....even if it's a bra to support your new breasts LoL x

Jessica Thence

This one turned out very sweet and it didn't seem to be heading that direction. Well done on the bait and switch!