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This pinup was both fun and more challenging than I expected. I wanted to use my newer, much-improved textures with the old models I'd created for Jack/Jill back in the early phases. At first, they didn't play well together.

BUT! I really had a blast seeing how far Jill has come. Seeing her transition all in one place is pretty mind-blowing! 💖



Alison St John

Exceptional Artistry ❤️

Alyson Greaves

Genuinely impressed at how much this looks like a believable and relatable transition timeline (from someone capable of standing very still for like five years). Shockingly good CG work. Also, Jill having another dream about her old self, like, "I don't remember being so high resolution."


How did his waste get so slim? There are bones in there. Cannot transform without surgery

France Day

Emory, have you seen Jill lately? How is she doing at the start of 2022? If you see her again, give her my regards. Goodbye from France.


When Will we see jack and Jill again em? Looking forward to see her and Josie


she is as good as a woman !!!


Thank you so much, Alyson. 😀 It's interesting to me both how little and how much Jill has changed. Obviously, there are some -- ahem -- BIG differences, but her face isn't all that much different. I guess sometimes those subtle changes go a long way.

Ella Cherry

What a journey!


Awesome, well done!


Amazing transformation while preserving the natural facial features. Jill is definitely a hot woman.


Thanks, Arty! This was a lot of fun. How can Jack ever go back to being that hairy lunk?


Thank you so much, Pelican! ❤️ Did Jack have a pretty face or does Jill have a handsome face? I guess an attractive face is an attractive face, no matter the gender. 😉


Somewhat soon, Digi! I’m trying to work out how best to juggle the three comics. I’m tempted to finished off Season 1 of Half Sisters and then move Jack & Jill into that slot. Thoughts?


Mm we can see josie with his new husband in the dinner that xu presents jill in society and the girls of half sisters as well , since their captors are platinium Star members

stacy C

Lovely.....our girl has definitely come a long way x