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I mean, Nate brought it on himself so I can't feel too bad... 😉


In a stunning turn of events, Republican State Senator Nate Forrester disappeared after confessing to an affair with an Argentinian mistress. For weeks, his wife, Danielle, appeared on local news stations to tearfully beg for his return. Everyone praised her forgiving nature. 

But, as it turned out, Danielle was about as “forgiving” as a rattlesnake.

You see, Nate hadn’t only been a philanderer, he was also an abusive alcoholic. For years, Danielle compiled detailed evidence against him but elected to keep everything to herself. With his deep political connections, she suspected he’d only receive a slap on the wrist for his horrific behavior.

So Danielle took matters into her own hands. 

The service that collected her husband was not listed or named—nor were they cheap. However, their track record was excellent, and they offered a money-back guarantee if she wasn’t satisfied.

But seeing the naked, utterly feminized ex-man and ex-husband they’d delivered, Danielle was more than satisfied. 

As Nate’s hand drifted down to his new womanhood, still drowsy with sedative, Danielle said: “You are Naomi now, my dear husband. I don’t know exactly what I’ll do with you yet. Maybe I’ll make you my maid, maybe a whore, but you’ll never again be a man. And if you try to go to the police? Well, I have digital files full of evidence detailing your abuse. You’ll end up in prison, too-and I doubt you’ll have a good time there seeing as you passed that horrible bill to make sure transwomen are put in prison with men.”

Nate looked on, horrified, as the reality of the situation—and the sensation of new genitals—washed over her.



France Day

Noemi could easily run as an LGBT senator for the mid-term of 2022, with the advocacy of vested rights and the social future of LGBT people. When there's a way there's a will. Very good story, TYVM EA.

Ella Cherry

My favorite kind of story! Thanks Emory! ❤️

Halima Abdi

Karma's a bitch, huh?

stacy C

I wonder if Naomi has a more liberal attitude hehe x

Jessica Thence

Ooooohhhh. I love this one. Love, love, love, love, love. This one is begging for a sequel!