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All right everyone! Time to decide a big plot point for Jack & Jill. These are always fun and sometimes push the story in an unexpected direction.

In the upcoming edition, Mason and Emily are contacted by a mole within Mr. Xu's "Second Dawn" organization. The spy offers to help them rescue Emily's (ex-)brother, Jack.

Who is the mole?

Jason / Janelle - While Mr. Xu has used the surgically transformed Jason (aka "Janelle") as his arm candy and concubine, she's kept her ears open. Over the years, she's gathered a lot of information on Mr. Xu, his associates, and their plans. Also, she will be at the "Coming Out" event, allowing her to lend invaluable assistance.

Mr. Davis - Davis is only loyal to Davis. He wants Xu dead so he can take over Second Dawn. He may even help kill the old man. Of course, he also wants Jill, so it seems unlikely he'd hold up his end of the bargain and let her go once all is said and done...

Mr. Xu - It's a trap! The mole isn't real and the information they're given will lead them right into Xu's hands. This doesn't mean Mason and Emily can't help Jill, but they'll have a much rougher time.


stacy C

Yay, finally get to join in a poll :-) x

Erica Rost

more and more sexy, Janelle !!

Monty (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-01 03:19:05 Honestly, I just want to see more of Janelle, like not only developed as a character, but also in some X-rated action. Whether it's BDSM, or maybe Xu breeds her his his dogs or something, or a forced liaison with Jason's unwitting Father or Brother; something kinky & twisted.
2020-12-11 09:25:08 Honestly, I just want to see more of Janelle, like not only developed as a character, but also in some X-rated action. Whether it's BDSM, or maybe Xu breeds her his his dogs or something, or a forced liaison with Jason's unwitting Father or Brother; something kinky & twisted.

Honestly, I just want to see more of Janelle, like not only developed as a character, but also in some X-rated action. Whether it's BDSM, or maybe Xu breeds her his his dogs or something, or a forced liaison with Jason's unwitting Father or Brother; something kinky & twisted.


Janelle is so interesting. Her journey has been extreme, yet she is the one we've seen the least of so far. Partly because I hoped she might have a role to play later on. But, yes, I expect poor Janelle has had a very bad time since he tried to take away one of Xu's favorite toys. I've been thinking she might deserve her own interlude.... 😀

Ohe Fan

Why not a combination of 1 & 3? Janelle very interesting and acting as a mole, but Mr. Xu is secretly aware and uses her as a tool to get to Manson and Emily.