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Goodness! That was a close, close, close one!

Ultimately 'Medieval' won.... by 1 vote! Yay! This was a lot of fun to write. I hope you like it! 😀

That said, how can I deny that the 'Future' caption was so popular? I can't! Therefore, the December 15th caption will now be a tale from the 22nd century. It's a win-win!


“You will kneel, Lord Gendre,” Queen Amàlia Jovellar commanded from her throne. “Your treasonous attempt to overthrow the crown has ended in failure. Accept your defeat with grace, and I shall show mercy.”

Lord Gendre, chained but still wearing his armor, sneered at Amàlia. “I will not bend the knee to a catamite and a whore.”

The assembled courtiers gasped. The Queen raised a hand, smiling coldly. “All of you, get out.”

The courtiers looked at each other, then departed from the hall. The Queen was now alone with her prisoner. “What did you call me?”

“A whore!” Lord Gendre replied. “And I am not afraid to say it, unlike the rest of these sycophants.” Suddenly, Lord Gendre’s expression softened. “You were the best of us, Prince Aaró. I know your father never saw your potential, but the rest of us knew the truth. We would have followed you, and the kingdom would have been saved. Instead, you allowed yourself to become a woman and married the eldest son of our sworn rivals.”

Queen Amàlia stood from her throne. “And what, pray tell, would you have done differently from me?” The Queen’s voice was both soft and chilling.

“I would have argued against your father, the king!” Lord Gendre shouted. “The Jovellar clan was closing on the capital, yes, but we could have defeated them at Chèvres-les-Illes. If you had led the march instead of your brother Alexandre, we would have won. He was a mighty warrior but had no mind for leadership. You were always small but were a born tactician. I saw this every day in your training. Instead, Alexandre perished, your father succumbed to grief, and-since he had no daughters-surrendered you to the hands of the Jovellar herbalists. They used their foul crafts to transform you into a woman, of a kind, and the Jovellars married you to their eldest son to ‘unite’ our people. This is madness!”

Amàlia sighed heavily. “My dear Lord Gendre. You were always my favorite sparring partner, even now. I did inherit my father’s skill at the study of war, but not his skill with the blade. But I made my calculations, and I knew our capital was lost no matter who led the army against the Jovellars. Our only hope was to feign defeat, even if it took years. And so I gave my soul, and my manhood, to save my homeland.”

Lord Gendre blinked, stunned. “What are you saying? You willingly submitted to this... mutilation? I saw you as a small but sprightly young man grow breasts and womanly curves under the ministrations of those damned herbalists!”

Queen Amàlia arched a brow. “The mutilation, as you call it, wasn’t wanted, but it was necessary. Tell me, when is the last time you saw my husband the king in court?”

Lord Gendre shrugged. “It has been almost a year. They say he is ill.”

“He is gravely ill,” Queen Amàlia said. “And I plan to keep him that way. They say poison is a womanly weapon, and I must agree. I have learned to harness it, using my poison upon my own husband so that I will rule our nation, and he will become pitifully helpless.”

Lord Gendre gasped, staring in confusion and then awe. “My God. Prince Aaró, you...you are still loyal to our country. Forgive me, I didn’t realize.”

“Yes, but I am no longer a prince, Lord Gendre. I am now Queen. And although I wish I could forgive you because of the history our family shares, I fear you must be punished for your treason.”

Lord Gendre bowed his head. “I understand. If you need me to die for my part in the rebellion, I will do it willingly so long as I die by your hand.”

Queen Amàlia shook her head. “Death would be too easy, I’m afraid. No, the punishment must be truly severe. Tell me of your son, Emeric. He has just recently come of age. Is he still considered  beautiful for a man?” 

Lord Gendre nodded. “He favors his mother in both face and body. Why?”

The Queen smiled. “I have need of a new handmaiden.”




Fantastic caption! Love it :)




Great job Emory! Very well written. It'd be cool to see more of this world.

Alice Duffield

Emory!! So well done. I think the plot is a little different than most of your captions but I have to say I love that the main character chose his fate and then owned it. Thanks for a deviant tale matched with beautiful images. - Alice


I just want her outfit! I always love your historical caps, they’re always so so good!

Emily Morgan

I'd like a sequel called the New Handmaiden

Ella Cherry

Love it! Love it! Such a great history! ❤️


Such a devious story. I love it.


Thanks, Tundil! I'm fairly proud of this one, and it was a great deal of fun to write!


Thank you, Brantly! I will probably dive in again. We have to find out about the new handmaiden!


Aw, thank you so much, Alice! Yes, the plot was a little different this time, and I think for the better. As soon as I saw this image, I knew the queen to be powerful and self-assured. So how had she become a become? To save her kingdom, of course!


Thank you very much, Ella. I was hoping you'd enjoy this one since we both like TG + history!


I really appreciate that, Daviegh. Maybe we'll do more stories in this world. We probably want to learn more about the queen's new handmaiden!

stacy C

Great stuff, now we need a sequel showing what happens to Emeric :-) (us platinum members are so demanding aren't we LoL)