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First of all, I want to thank all my supporters, including the former ones. Your support has enabled me to acquire an RTX 3060, which I will be using to render my visual novels in 4k. This new capability is all due to your contributions. I have updated the tiers to include a 4k version for Tier 18 and the rest of the tiers will have access to 1080p as before. In addition, as a tier benefit, Tier 18 gets an itch.io key to the 4k version, and Tier 3 gets a key to the 1080p version (this tier benefit replaces the comic benefit). Having one of these keys means you gain permanent day 1 access to new releases regardless of your current supporter tier or status. However, there is a way for those not in those tiers to get a key as well.

I am going to be giving away itch.io keys for Ménage à Moi to former and active supporters of any tier that have met certain criteria. To be eligible, you need to have paid a lifetime total of $15 to get a key to the 4k version. Or if you paid a lifetime total of $10, you'll receive a key for the 1080p version. This offer ends on January 1st, 2023.

I'll make a follow-up post about the redeeming process after the release of chapter one of Ménage à Moi.


The next bit of news is I'm going to have to use the contingency plan I laid out in October's Progress Update and aim for the complete chapter 1 of Ménage à Moi to be out by New Year's Eve. While I now have an RTX 3060 (sneak peek), I've had major delays due to real-life stuff. My family member is finally out of the hospital after being in there for over 3 weeks. But they aren't in good enough condition to return home yet and are still undergoing physical therapy in a rehab facility. Also, I got a new job that required a lot of prep work before I even started. Both ongoing events have drained my available time away from my projects for the past several weeks.

A major reason I wanted to give out keys is that I know I'm still far from consistent regarding a release schedule. While the circumstances like these delays are out of my hands, I still don't want supporters to feel forced that they have to continue paying or lose out. I reckon that as long as anyone has paid the same amount as if they had bought my game in any other online store, why shouldn't they own a copy?



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