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Given my tendency to cross genre boundaries so far, I bet some are wondering where I stand on certain kinks. Ménage à Moi is going to have an unusual combination of tags (see note at bottom) such as harem, futanari, orgy, and pregnancy some might view them as conflicting tags. Yep, this is a post primarily about the most contentious three-lettered genre in adult gaming: NTR. I define Netorare (NTR) content as a romantic partner that has established a relationship with the protagonist(s) and chooses or is coerced to cheat on them. The intended effect of which is to elicit uncomfortable feelings in the player such as jealousy.

I create stories about building relationships, not destroying them. If you are into NTR then more power to you. I've played many adult games that contain NTR, but I'm not interested in creating a visual novel focused on that. That's also why I won't include content like mind break, bimbofication, or anything else that somehow invalidates newly created relationships or a character's personality. The only way I see myself including anything remotely close to this kind of content is through a character's backstory. It will be impossible for the player to make a choice that leads to these kinks in my visual novels.

I specifically included "protagonist(s)" in the bolded definition of Netorare (NTR) because I am interested in swinging, sharing, and polyamory. While I strive to give players choices where appropriate, some of my stories won't allow for as much wiggle room as others. As always, the characters involved are happy with the outcome regardless of other factors.

Ménage à Moi, like Fantasy Dating, is going to cross some boundaries with what players usually expect from the genre and tags. While there may be some minor feelings of jealousy or envy experienced by the MC, the focus will not be on the "bad feels" but on how Kiersten triumphs in forging the relationships she desires. Drama and conflict are important factors for any story, yet I know a lot of players, including me, seek out adult games and visual novels for fun or to relax. I'm not here to sucker punch players with an out of nowhere gut-wrenching NTR scene.

I know this is a bit of an overly serious post, but because of some notorious actions by other developers, I felt it important to make my stance on kinks clear. Rest assured, Ménage à Moi is going to be different from the norm, but in the best way that I can possibly make it.


The accompanying Ménage à Moi Overview post I mentioned before is being pushed to a later unspecified date because I'm trying to make up some of the time I've lost in the past couple of weeks. A longer explanation is available on the supporter section announcements of the Discord server.


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