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As I mentioned in my Halting Development post, I'm going to lay out what state I'm leaving Motherhood in for when I get back to it. All percentages are estimates.

Characters (includes shaping, hair, and genitalia):

  • MC family - 100%. They are all setup with appropriate alternate untied hair sets for MC and Morgana.
  • BF Family - 90%. I still need to make some minor design choices when it comes to one of the daughters. BF Husband doesn't have a genitalia set, but that's not relevant yet. Lastly, I need to assign default names based on the previous name poll (Flower/Plants based names won).
  • Raven Family - 85%. Customizing their hairstyles is all that remains.
  • Blonde Family - 95%. Just need to fine tune some settings on the Older Sister's skin as the original was too glossy.

Sets (includes lighting, prop placement, and grouping rooms/areas):

  • MC Home - 75%. Due to how the house model was created by its vendor, I'll have to make separate versions for the interior and exterior as some wall share surfaces. For example, brick textures would appear on thin strips of interior walls because they were originally designed to use the same texture.
  • MC Basement - 95%. Pretty sure this one is done. But given some newer techniques I learned, I could refine it a tiny bit more.
  • BF House - 90%. Need to rearrange some props and rooms into more logical groupings. I kept the original textures so this should go much faster than MC's house.
  • Plane - 90%. Given the small space to work with, I might need to refine the lighting some more. If not, then it's done.
  • Park - 100%. I haven't shown this, but it's a relatively uncomplicated set. It's also a well-known Daz environment, but I did customize it to stand out from the pack.
  • Restaurant/Bar - 25%. Another one I havn't made a render for because it's not ready. I might not even show this set in Week 1, so low priority.

Obviously, this list is leaving a lot of characters out compared to Motherhood's announcement. They're still coming, but not for Week 1 as it is already crowded with plot and character development.

When I return to developing Motherhood, I intend to put out a demo featuring just the intro. It will be my test bed for creating and displaying 2D overlay images. This demo will be available to supporter's first to find errors and garner feedback before going public.


I also mentioned in the top linked post I would be doing some just for fun renders. You can see the first set here. All supporters can see these renders a week early. And, because all recurring payments are stopped, this perk is 100% free for existing supporters as a big thank you for sticking with me.


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